Six Dangerous Places at school.

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Hi everyone,

Today, I got pushed on the stairs at school and it inspired me to make this chapter.

I'm fine by the way, I pushed the person back and got shouted at but meh.... let's save that for another day.

6.The Canteen.

At my school, there are three queues for the Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11's in the canteen. The year sevens and eights get massive hall to themselves even though it's probably more useful that we have...anyway.
Around 500 kids go in the canteen at once and half of them all want to get food as well. There's the problem.
Everyday there's that one idiot who decides to turn the light off, making a lot of 'mature' Year Tens push each other in the queue. This is when the two unlucky teachers, who are on lunch duty, decide to get involved.

Those poor souls.


I mentioned this earlier but in all seriousness, it js quite dangerous on the stairs, especially when Year Tens decided to push everyone down them.


The never-ending hallways of pushing and shoving by kids who don't give a fuck about going to lesson, therefore decides to make other people late by pushing their friends into poor small confused Year Sevens who have no idea where they're going.

Sucks to be them.

3. The Lower Play ground.

Used by Year 8's and 7's who think they are the next Wayne Rooney at football even though they're clearly not. I always walk across it in the mornings to get to my tutor, sometimes I wonder why I put myself at risk. TOO MANY FOOTBALLS!! TOO MANY SMALL PEOPLE!!! TOO MANY SEAGULLS!!

2.Upper Play ground

Basically ten times worse than the Lower Play ground. Especially since the boys have learnt to kick a ball. Well done.

1.Any where outside.

My sister, myself and my friend Alice were standing outside when a seagull flew over our heads and did a shit two metres away from us. At that point, Joel walked up to us and said hi. I told him about the seagull and said he was lucky. Lol. internet_writer, if you turned up ten seconds before, you would've been shat on.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Let me know in the comments if you know any other 'dangerous' places at your school. I use the word 'dangerous' lightly as none of the above are actually dangerous. Especially the bird one, unless they were the special Pizza Birds.

Read "Jeff, The Pizza and The Birds", to get that joke.
Or if you want to read an interesting book, read "Nancy and Beatrice Go To The Store." By internet_writer.

You'll laugh, I promise.

Thanks for reading.


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