31 4 14


So, a few of my friends have done this tag already, but I'm gonna do it anyway.

Let's go.

1. What are you wearing?

Excuse me?

2. Ever been in love?

*cough* YouTube *cough*

3. Ever had a terrible break up?

No, have you?

4. How tall are you?

Around 5,6.

5. How much do you weigh?

Excuse me?

6. Any tattoos?

No, who would want to scar their bodies for ever?

7. Any piercings?

Nope and I don't plan on getting any any time soon.

8. OTP?

Wtf does that mean?

9. Favourite show?

Lizard Lick Towing.

10. Favourite bands?

Lawson, Take That, Coldplay, Blue and One Republic.

11. Something you miss.

PE lessons.

12. Favourite song?

Oh My My My (Mary's Song) by Taylor Swift.

13. How old are you?

13, 14 in 27 days.

14. Zodiac sign?

Wtf is that?

15. Quality you look for in a partner?

A male, preferably, who'd let me borrow his jacket if I got cold. I know. I'm into that cliche stuff.

16. Favourite Quote?

"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but if you ain't got a gun, I'm not going to run."

17. Favourite Actor?

Channing Tatum.

18. Favourite colour?


19. Loud music or soft?

What kind of question is that?

20. Where do you go when you're sad?


21. How long does it take for you to shower?

You're creepy.

22. How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning?

If I want/need to get up for a hockey match or if I'm hungry, pretty quickly.

23. Ever been in a physical fight?

Does a tickle fight count? Coz I had one with my brother earlier. He won though.

24. Turn on?


25. Turn off?

You're wasting electricity.

26. The reason I joined wattpad.

My friends started talking about it, then internet_writer asked me if i was going to get it. I said yes and we were up until the early hours of the morning talking about it.

Fun times.

27. Greatest fear.

Falling over in assembly. Once, I was called up to get a certificate and i slipped a bit and nearly fell over in front of the whole year group. People started laughing at my embarrassment. Although, I have to admit, it was pretty funny.

28. Last thing that made you cry?

Watching "Dear John" made me cry because Savannah and John didn't get married.

29. Last time you said you loved someone?


30. Meaning behind wattpad name?

The 'b' is the first letter of my Nick name
(If you know it, don't you dare put it in the comments.) 'Wade' is my last name and the '1' is because I'm fabulous.

31. Last book you read?

"Paper Towns" by John Green.

32. The book you're currently reading?

"The Recruit" by Robert Muchamore. I recommend it, it's very good.

33. Last show you watched?

The great British bake off.

34. Last person I talked to?

My sister.

35. The relationship between you and the last person you texted?

internet_writer, one of my best friends.

36. Favourite Food?

Any roast dinner.

37. Place you want to visit?

Venice, Italy.

38. Last place you were?

Over by my bedroom window.

39. Do you have a crush?


40. Last time you kissed someone?

Why do ya wanna know?

41. Last time you were insulted?

One minute ago by my sister.

42. Favourite flavour of sweet?


43. What instrument do you play?


44. Favourite piece of jewellery?


45. Last sport you played?

Hockey, in my room. It wasn't a good idea. I broke a hanger.

46. Last song you sang?

"Believe" by Shawn Mendes.

47. Favourite chat up line?

Don't have one.

48. Have you ever used it?

I don't have one.

49. Last time you hung out with someone

Earlier on, I actually talked to my brother and had a laugh with him instead of arguing.

50. Who should answer these questions next?

Anyone who has the patience to, this tool bloody ages.


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