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Ok, so I went round Izzy(izzy_bone_x) and Alice(alice_the_elmo) house a couple of weeks ago and we played on the Xbox.

We played Call Of Duty World At War.

I think I'm getting addicted to that game, especially the Nazi Zombie level.

It's all I want to play for the rest of the summer.

I think I'm obsessed. However, I don't have the game but I really want to play it.

See my problem?

It's on my birthday list but there's obviously a chance that i won't get it.

And I can't exactly go out and buy it.

I don't have Fake I.D.

I'm not sixteen.

I don't look sixteen.

And my mum and dad my not even buy it for me, because of my age, even though they let me play it.

Help me.

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