10 questions-My First Time Tag

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Hi guys,

This chapter will be about my first time experiencing new things. I'm making these questions up btw. Enjoy


The picture above made me laugh

1. What was your first memory?

My first memory was of me walking down stairs not remembering what I did the day before. I remember thinking, "I feel like I was born yesterday." I don't know how old I was and I don't remember anything else from that day. Funny, huh?

2. What was your first word?

My first word, from what my mum and dad told me, was Dada. Very original.

3. What was your first phone?

My first phone was a touch screen Nokia which I shared with my sister.

4. What was your first pet?

My first pet was a rabbit called Doogle. I don't remember him because I was very young but I have watched videos on an old camera.

5. What was your first family holiday?

My first family holiday was to Spain. It was fun and, aside from being stung by a jellyfish, my favourite part was getting up in the middle of the night to take food from the fridge for me and my brother for a midnight snack. We were in a flat that one of my mum's friends owned. We took salami, chorizo and cheese. It was amazing.

6. What was the first song you really liked?

Taylor Swift-Love Story. I still love it to this day.

7. First sport you played outside of school.

Hockey which I started two years ago. I still play it.

8. How old were you when you lost your first tooth?

I think I was seven.

9. First friend in Junior School.

I didn't really have one friend. I had a massive group of friends and a lot of them I still know and talk to.

10. First time being bullied.

Year seven, one year ago.

Thanks for that guys. If you want to do this, either start a book or do it in a book you already have and PM to let me know. You can choose your own questions as well.

I tag these people to do this;






Let me know if and when you do this.

Thanks.  :)



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