Am I lazy?

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Most of my friends are either on holiday, getting ready to go on holiday or have already been on holiday. I've spent three weeks at home. Bored. Wasting most of my time on YouTube.

But don't worry, i am going on holiday for six my granddads caravan.

And guess what. It's forty five minutes away.

A lot of people say a holiday is when you're away from a place, (i.e. your house,) you're at most of the time.

Fair enough.

But compared to SecrecyBusiness, who went to America and internet_writer who is about to come home from Greece, a forty five minute drive away from my house is like stepping out of the front door and staying there for six days.

I'm not complaining tho.

They have an amazing sweet shop, ice cream/milkshake/smoothie shop where everything is really fresh, an amazing Pie and Sausage Roll shop where everything is warm and fresh....etc.

There's a lovely beach and and a surfboard shop where you can rent a surfboard for a couple of hours.



I really don't know how long I will survive for.

No wattpad updates, no Facebook notifications, No Kik conversations


I think i will explode.

Anyway, im not lazy.

I have been walking downstairs, ok, to watch Netflix because my TV doesn't have it on there.

That takes commitment.


Anyhoo. I have a headache. So I'm gonna go now.





Just say "Bye" already. Don't be so rude.

I'm joking



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