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Hi guys,

So today I had a rugby tournament against other schools around Hampshire which meant that I got the afternoon off from school! Yay!............not.

It was fun and way better than English and music but there was a problem.

Halfway through the first match, I got the ball and I was going for a try. Then a girl tried to tackle me and she smacked her head up into my face, hitting my nose. It hurt a bit but I thought I was fine. A few seconds later, I felt something drip down my mouth and onto my chin. You guessed it.

I was then rushed to the bathroom where I had to sort myself out. It was nasty!  And because it was so cold, it had already started to dry which caused another problem. I had to get dried blood of my face while my nose kept bleeding.....yeah, it wasn't fun.

It's really embarrassing coz all of the PE teachers know and when I got back to school they were giving me pity.

It's still throbbing now and there might be a bruise tomorrow.

Just a question if anyone knows: If your nose receives a large amount of impact and bleeds, is there a chance that it'll bleed again?

I have no clue and I'd rather not get a nose bleed tomorrow. Thanks.

That's about it for now.
Thanks for reading.

Ttyl Livvy Xxx

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