25 question tag.

51 5 11

Thank you to MollieP-T and That_Purple_Sandwich for tagging me.

1. Do you have any pets?

No, I did have a rabbit called Doogle, a guinea pig called Fig and a hamster called Hammy, (So original)

2. Name three things you are physically close to?

My bed, the internet and my kindle, when I'm not at school.

3. What's the weather like right now?

It's lovely, despite being in England.

4. Do you drive, if so, have you crashed?

Well, I was casually driving my remote control Porshe 911 turbo, that was £10 from Hawkins Bazzar, and suddenly the door opened as my car hit it and it flew across the room.

Don't worry, it still worked.

5. What time did you wake up for school?


6. When was the last time you showered?

Yesterday evening.

7. What was the last movie you saw?

San Andreas. I recommend it. It was brilliant. I want to watch it again.

8. What was the last text you sent?

Hi it's Livvy.

9. What's your ringtone?

Wake me up Avicci.

10. Have you been to a different country?

Spain, when I was five.

Venice, Italy on a cruise holiday.

Gibraltar, on the same cruise holiday.

Rome, on the same cruise holiday.

And many other places on the cruise holiday, I can't remember.

11. Do you like sushi?

Never tried it.

12. Where do you buy groceries?

Sainsbury and Lidl.

13. Have you ever taken medicine to sleep?

No. If I can't sleep, I do sit ups until I'm tired.

14. How many siblings do you have?

One twin sister. I'm ten minutes older. And an older brother.

15. Do you have a desktop or laptop?


16. How old will you be on your next birthday?

14 in September.

17. Do you wear glasses?

Yes, for reading, writing, Tv.......

When I was told I needed them, I was really excited. I hate them now.

18. Do you dye your hair?

No, my hair is natural blonde.

19. Tell me something you plan to do today.

Well considering is 8:50pm on a school night,sleep and wattpad. :)

20. When was the last time you cried?

Of sadness was the other day when I was in a seriously bad mood, I cried because I couldn't sort out my hair. I don't even know why.

Of happiness was yesterday atschool at rounders when one of my friends, JasmineBullion, rugby tackled me after the match because I had the rounders ball. It turned into a mini wrestling match before the teacher asked what we were doing.

Thanks Jazzy. Your the best.

21. What's your favourite pizza topping?


22. Do you prefer cheese burgers or ham burgers?

Cheese burgers because there's more flavour.

23. Have you ever had an all nighter?

Almost. It was on a school night and I had to get up at six. I stayed up until 2AM on wattpad. At least it shows my dedication to this wonderful application.

I regretted it in the morning though.

24. Eye colour?

Bluey green.

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Cola?

Nope. I swear they are the same.

Thank you for tagging me in! I tag JasmineBullion, joesuggsbae02 and 12D023 to do the twenty five question tag.



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