Chapter 15: Back to Vancouver

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Okay guys sorry for the late update. In the last chapter Colin overhead Jen talking to Ginny on the phone about how she knew what happened between Colin and Helen when she eavesdropped.


"Ginny, I-I have to go". I hung up my phone.

"Colin what-what are you doing here..."

"I was actually coming to bring you breakfast."

His voice was breaking and I could tell how hurt he was. I got up off the bed and went to him.

"Colin, I was going to tell you-"

"You told me I was your best friend and aye you. You've been acting this entire time like you had no idea what had happened, why I've been so stressed. .You knew I have a good chance of losing my son. I was coming to tell you, tell you that Helen and I...we..."

His voice started trailing off.

"We aren't doing well. I was going to tell you everything because I felt I owed it to you. Little did I know, you've known this entire time and didn't say a thing about it. You didn't have the decency to tell me "sorry" or even that you eavesdropped on my conversation".

"Colin I am so so sorry. I was going to tell you I knew. I really am sorry-"

"You used me, Jennifer. You kissed me back, knowing how hurt I was. You should've told me how stupid I was for even thinking of us as an... "us".

"Okay that is not fair, Colin. I know I-"

"You know what? Stay here. I'm going to Vancouver,"

"Colin wait-"

I grabbed his shoulder. I was crying again.

"Colin, you can't just leave. I made a mistake, but you can't just forget about what happened last night..."

"Wait, what happened again last night? Oh right. A mistake."

He slammed the door in my face. A few minutes later, I saw him get in the car and drive away.

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