Chapter Eighty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is alright. I just needed to go do some things and Katniss is asleep." I say.

"Oh, okay. Well, we aren't planning on coming home for awhile if that's alright."

"That's just fine. Just let me know when you get here so I can let you in. I'm locking up the house when I leave."

"Okay. Peeta, are you sure you're alright? You sound upset." Her mother asks.

I sigh, "I'm fine. She's just mad at me right now but I'll fix it."

"She will get over it, I'm sure. I think she's just acting this way because she's pregnant."

I shrug, "I think so too. It isn't too big of a deal but it'll be okay." I assure her.

"Okay, well just go do what you need to and don't worry about Willow. She's doing just fine."

"Thank you, call me if you need anything." I say.

"I will. Bye, Peeta."

I sigh, "Bye, Mrs. Everdeen." I mumble and hang up.

I go back upstairs and peek in at Katniss who is fast asleep.

I can tell by the puffiness around her eyes that she's been crying more than she had been before.

I frown, feeling my heart nearly break and I close the door.

I lock up the house and head a few blocks away to Finnick and Annie's.

They're not home so I decide I will take them another day, then I go to Bristol and Blake's.

I knock and Bristol opens the door.

"Hey, Peeta." She smiles.

"Hey, sorry to drop by but I wanted to give you these paintings I had of Carter and there's some of you both." I say handing them to her.

She looks down, "Oh, how adorable. Thank you so much.." Bristol says hugging me.

I smile and nod.

"Where's the girls?"

I sigh, "Willow is with Katniss's mom and Katniss is home."

Bristol nods, "Is she alright?"

"Yeah, she's fine." I say, trying to sound more cheerful than I feel.

Bristol sees right through it, "Peeta, then what's wrong with you?"

I shake my head, "Nothing."

"You're lying."

I sigh, "Katniss is mad at me right now but I am gonna fix it."

"What did you do?" She gives me a look.

I shake my head, "Absolutely nothing." I tell her truthfully.

She gives me another look, "She wouldn't be mad at you if you wouldn't have done something." She says accusingly.

"No, she would be. You haven't been around her lately. She gets mad so easily now and I promise I didn't do anything. Right now she's mad because she's gaining weight and supposedly her clothes are starting to get tight so I told her we could buy her new ones or that she could wear mine. She got so mad at me and was telling me how it's my fault she's pregnant."

Bristol sighs, "That's kind of a stupid reason to be mad. And I thought you both agreed having another baby." 

"We did. That's what I don't understand. I literally am trying to be a patient as I can with her and give her anything she wants or needs and she's still mad." I say frustratedly.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now