The American Embassy London

180 18 12

" I have to bring to your attention Fludd , the incident in Nottinghamshire . Mr Krey was a well respected advisor to our Government "

The Ambassador put his knife down on his dinner plate gesticulating with his fork .

" I have been made aware of the incident Mr Ambassador " Fludd replied " Not anything we are involved with though Sir "

" I trust not Fludd , after all we are at a delicate time  " he paused  " Politically "  he sipped his wine.

" Absolutely Sir"

The two men fenced around the issue for thirty minutes . Politely suggesting it was the other side who had killed Krey without actually saying so . A skill they were both  experts in.

The Ambassador poured Fludd a glass " After all we wouldn't want anything , shall we say out of the ordinary to be said by the President the day after tomorrow would we ? "

Fludd leaned back laying his cutlery on his plate " No Sir , I am sure she will be well advised as to what to say "

" It all depends Fludd on the results of the next two days activities , and which side is doing the advising and who is in the game at that point  "

Both men smiled , their eyes devoid of emotion , menace ran through their veins .

" Gods will " Fludd said as both men lifted there glasses and  toasted each other . " Gods Will"

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