Chapter 5 The Great Tutbury Mill Nottingham 1820

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Chapter Five

The Great Tutbury Mill

Five Acres , Nottinghamshire


Crossing the canal bridge the two woodsmen approached the Giant Mill complex . The dispatch area covered 50 acres of land and was normally a scene of high activity, with thousands of crates being moved from factory to barge or coach . Today as they walked through it seemed eerily quiet , with very little happening.

Four workmen were securing a large crate to a cart . The nearer shouted over

" Afternoon Ned"

The old woodsman touched his cap by reply , continuing walking .

" I never knew your name " The younger looked across at Ned

" Never mind that ....what's she want "


The old man pointed

" Her , bloody Alice Oddy " looking to his left

The large figure of Alice Oddy was making her way towards them . Half walking , half hurrying and frantically waving .

"Ned ...Ned " She gasped

Alice Oddy was the Five Acres and possibly the whole of Nottinghamshires finest gossip , a trait she inherited from her mother of whom it was said was the finest ever. Alice was a large woman , probably in her thirties , but looked older . She had a round face , with red ruddy cheeks and a permenantly moving mouth . Her smock had grease marks across the front due to her habit of always wiping it as she spoke . She had three sons , one of which was a young tearaway who the Judge the sentenced to  six months on the prison ship  . Probably not long enough and one of the few good things the Judge did that no one questioned . Her husband had died three years ago from consumption . Alice now lived in a room above the coach house inn . Following her at an equally brisk pace was her friend Rose Snow an equally robust woman and once described as 'hardly the sweetest grape on the vine'

" Ned Ned wait "

"What is it Alice "

" Have you done it "

" Done what " ...Ned knew exactly what she meant

" Buried him , bloody buried him" she wiped her smock " Is it true he's dead " her eyes lit up " He can't get out can he ? "

" Yes Alice ...its done and no he can't "  Ned tapped his pipe on his sleeve "I'm on my way to tell his son Mr Gideon  like I promised I would "

He continued walking on before Alice grabbed his arm

" You can't Ned " she panted " You can't"

Ned pulled his arm away " How do you mean I cant woman of course I can....We've buried him, now as I promised I'm to tell his son Mr Gideon"

Letting go of Neds arm she shouted behind him as he walked on

"He's Gone "

Ned didn't pause but shouted back

" Then I will wait Alice"

Alice caught up with him

" No you old fool , he's gone ....gone .....gone for good " She wiped her smock panting .

"What" Ned retorted

" This morning Ned, he cleared the Judges desk and office , with the Lawyer man this morning . Cleared everything . All gone , onto three carriages , went to the court cleared that .....gone ...gone "

At that moment a few others had gathered around the woodsmen . All seemed to be excitedly speaking at once . Some patting them on the backs or shaking hands..

"Move" a voice bellowed " You" ...a tall moustached man in a top hat surrounded by two burly men pointed at the two woodsmen

Ned touched his cap " Yes sir"

" Is he dead " the man asked Ned

"Yes sir " Ned replied " We buried him a few hours ago . The tomb is sealed

The tall man moved away from Ned and pointed at a similarly dressed man standing near the mill warehouse gates , who immediately pulled a large folded sheet from his inside overcoat pocket . He gestured the assembled crowd of workers together .

Clearing his throat , he held the paper above his head

" My name " he shouted " is Dutchchild of Rothers Dutchchild Bank . The man over there " pointing at the tall moustached man " is Zachariah Lout of Lout Handel Solicitors "

Lout acknowledged the introduction

" Joshua Tutbury is dead" Dutchchild continued

The crowd muttered to each other , one or two men cheered

" This notice will be pinned to the gates and to the workers doors , those who can read , read it to those who can't......In brief it says

' Joshua Tutbury is dead and his sole surviving heir Mr Gideon Tutbury has signed the mill over to his solicitors Lout Handel . Mr Gideon Tutbury has ensured that there are sufficient funds for the mill to be kept working for one year , the remaining wealth has been transferred over to mr Gideon Tutbury. Mr Gideon Tutbury along with his assistant left the mill this morning at 10am.'

At that he gestured to his driver , who hurried to his carriage . The speaker stepped down from his platform adjusting his coat .

Old Billy Williams turned to Ned

" You sure you saw the bastard in that tomb"

" Aye Billy , that we did .....he's sealed in tight "

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