Gideons Death Christmas Day 1864

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The remaining eight members of the inner sanctum were gathered on Boxing Day 1864 .

Sitting them around a table the assistant opened a letter

He looked beyond the group to the large oval window at the rear of the meeting room. A solitary magpie sat on the window sill looking in.

Clearing his throat he looked towards the assembled

" Gideon Tutbury is dead , he died at 6.34 am yesterday

He will be buried in his private vault in the mausoleum of these grounds in private tomorrow . All arrangements have been made , no one will attend . He has left a short message .

He cleared his throat

" Do not mourn me in death , instead celebrate that I have lived and what I have given you . This society will go on , you will elect a new leader of this society who will be known as the Grand Master to replace me . This will be done by a secret ballot . Remember you live and then you die . Are you perfect before God . Through the Society you have the ability to change the course of the world . We will create the present which will be history . History is what we want it to be , it is what me make it to be not what it makes you . Harness fear and then you control everything .....This is Gods Will

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