Chapter 31

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By the time I surfaced the following morning Suzannah had left for the town .

A note on the kitchen table read

' Going to do some shopping in town , back soon

          Suzannah xx '

I put the note back on the table and yawned . walking to the window I shook my head at the absurdity of the situation .

Without thinking I grabbed my phone and scrolled down m...n...o...p People Facility . I pressed the green button to call

" Good morning The Peoples Facility Salford , how may I help you " came the reply

Taking a deep breath and thinking this may or may not work " Good morning , may I speak to Mr Robert Fludd of the Gideon Society please " I knew what the answer would be

" I'm sorry sir , but we have no one here of that name , can anyone else help you "

" There is , There is " I replied in a panic , my wife is in your hospital"

Again the receptionist replied calmly " I am sorry sir , but I think you are mistaken this is The Peoples Facility , Salford "

" Yes , yes " I angrily replied " May I speak to Anje then , tall, blonde "

" Again I am sorry sir you are mistaken and I have calls waiting , let me put you on hold for one moment "

She put me on hold

" Kathryn I have someone asking for Mr Fludd " Kathryn Davies was Fludd's PA " I have said there is no one of that name

" Good" Kathryn replied " Get as much from him as possible , but keep insisting there is no one of that name , let me know" Kathryn replaced her receiver and buzzed through to Fludd's office

" Hello again sir , I am sorry to keep you waiting , the best I can do is to take a message , we get lots of groups visiting our facility and who you want may be amongst them "

" No " I shouted " I met Fludd , in your building , he was there , the Gideon Society " then composing myself " Ok my message is " I have  got Krey's phone , lots of messages from America "

" Who shall I say the message is from Sir "

" John Tutbury "

" Thank you sir " the phone clicked off

" Mr Fludd sir , Tutbury has Kreys phone and has accessed his messages "

" What , Krey is a fucking idiot , get Reuben Poyser for me please Kathryn "  

Almost immediately Kathryn buzzed through on the intercom to Fludd . " I have Mr Poyser for you Sir"

Fludd picked up his phone , there was a calmness but urgency in his voice . " Come into my office Reuben"

 Poyser entered the giant Penthouse office . He walked over to Fludd who had positioned himself looking out over Salfords skyline . His hands behind his back .

" Yes sir"

Fludd didn't turn around

" Krey's gone offside , we have a problem, have we got people in place yet"

" Yes sir , everyone"

Fludd turned round " I want Krey taken out and the operation goes totally red from now on , eyes only "

Poyser didn't reply he didn't need to . He immediately conveyed the instructions as Fludd had requested

" Kathryn " fludd stood by his desk leaning over to speak into his intercom

" Yes Sir"

" I would like to arrange dinner tomorrow night with the American Ambassador in London , you and Poyser to join me "

" Yes sir" 

" Oh and Kaythryn , I want total frequency flooding from now on , game on"

" Yes sir"

Gideon's ChairOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora