"It's because of my powers," the guy answers, as if reading my mind.

"No that's my power," a voice says. I look around and see a woman sitting on the couch reading a magazine. She looks up at me and smiles sheepishly. "Sorry. Standard protocol. I need to make sure you're not a threat."

"You don't have to with him Amanda," the guy says.

She nods her head and stands up. "I'll leave you guys alone now. Plus smart plan," she tells me. She then quickly walks out of the room.

"What plan," he asks.

"What powers," I counter, sitting down on the couch.

He smiles at me for a quick sec. "My power is osteokinesis...and from the face you're giving me you have no idea what that means." He chuckles a little. "It means I have manipulation over bones. That's why you couldn't move."

I nod my head. "Okay. Now tell me about what you guys want." I want to get out of here quick. I don't like there being a mind reader around me. Though I took precautions in case they had one. I sent Shawn and the others to my grandparents house, because I don't know how to get there and the map, which I've never seen, is the only way to get there.

The guy walks to his computer and starts typing some stuff. "How about I introduce myself as I find my file? Hi I'm Kenton Williams," he introduces.

"I'm Leo," I introduce back. I don't want him to know my real name.

He grins a little. "I know that isn't your real name, but I'm not going to force it out of you," he tells me. He then turns his screen and shows it to me. It's a power point. He clicks the button and it switches to an image with lots of DC and Marvel superheroes. In my opinion DC is better, but Marvel is still pretty good. "Have you ever wanted to be a hero," Kenton asks me.

"Who hasn't," I say. I remember when I was younger Shawn and I would always play superhero. I remember this one time we were playing and a huge spider landed on Shawn's shoulder. He was freaking out, but stayed still. I then used my water gun and shot the bug out of Shawn's shoulder. Shawn then cried, because he was so scared. I then hugged him till he stopped crying. I remember telling him how brave he was for staying still and not freaking out, like a real super hero. I smile at the memory. It was one of the few times I saved my prince.

"Well now you can." The slides change and it shows a little video. It has one of the girls I saw at the party. A man gets pushed out a window of a tall building and falls to his death. He screams loudly at the top of his lungs. The girl then flies up there and catches him. She then flies him down. Then another video appears of a house on fire. It then collapses in on itself. What's left is a huge guy covering some children. There is then a bunch of other videos that he shows me. Some are in a lab where they're testing out powers and others are of people saving others around the world. "What do you think," he asks me.

I don't know what to think. It's admiral what they're doing, but I don't think I actually want to be a superhero. I definitely don't want Shawn to be a superhero, because he can get hurt out there. He only transported a few places and he was tired. If he tried that in the field and got too tired he could die. If I feel like that about him, wouldn't he feel the same for me. I love him, but I don't know if he feels the same. We aren't even dating. Why is that? I mean I flirt with him and stuff, but we haven't gone on a date since the sport team party. Well that ended in disaster though. Wait who was that woman though. He still hasn't told me. She looks familiar, but I don't remember where. Wait we were talking about something else. What was it? Oh yeah the superhero thing.

"Well Mr. Williams I can't agree to anything. Some of the people in our group just want a normal life and this isn't exactly normal," I say.

He looks a little disappointed at that. "I completely understand, but think about it. The fame, the fortune, the people. It would be amazing right? People will want to be you guys," he tells me. I see a little twinkle in his eyes as he tells me this.

Something about the way he says this bothers me. In the institute Ms. Reyes would always tell me not to think like that. She said that it's okay to help people, but only if we truly want to and aren't doing it to be worshipped like some deity. Though seeing Shawn in some tights would be kind of hot, but I don't think my little jealous heart would like others staring at my man like that.

"We'll think about it," I tell him. If the others want to be superheroes, who am I to stop them. He smiles a little at my response. "Though I have a question."

"Sure ask away," he tells me.

"Why haven't you guys been on the news? I would think the news reporters would be all over you guys."

"That's because we haven't exposed ourselves to the public much. Those videos you saw weren't leaked to the press, so there isn't any proof. We want a few more recruits, before we reveal ourselves. We only have about a hundred people, which is a lot, but compared to the whole world, it's not enough," he tells me. "Plus we want a secure base of operation. Once we are exposed, some people won't like us, so a safe home would be nice."

Okay that's understandable. I stand up and shake his hand goodbye, before walking out to find the others.

Shawn p.o.v.

I've been freaking out so much since Taylor and us left. It feels like when he'd leave to the store and I had to stay at the school. I didn't know if he was caught, killed, or worst. I remember the first time he came back I made out with him for a couple minutes. It was so embarrassing when everybody started whistling. I didn't even realize what I was doing, I went on instinct. Gosh, we aren't even together and I've done more with him than I ever did with my past boyfriend. Why aren't we dating though? I like him, possibly love him, and he likes me. We went out before and it went great, so why not? Oh yeah, Tory is the reason why. She's the reason I'm so scared to trust Taylor with my heart.

"Aaron come down here right now," I hear Hayes yell out to his boyfriend.

"Wait, I'm busy," Aaron yells out from the roof. Aaron was freaking out so much about the others that I gave him a little job. To create a protection weapon in case we get unwanted visitors. I have no idea what he has planned.

"Aaron I swear, if you don't come down here I will give you a blowjob," the blue eyed boy yells. We hear a bunch of footsteps from the roof after that.

"You'll give him a blowjob," Andrea asks.

Hayes shrugs. "He gets super embarrassed when we do sexual stuff together. I find it adorable though."

Aaron runs downstairs and stands next to Hayes. His hair is a mess, his glasses are crooked, his shirt has scratches and he has dirt all over himself. "What do you want Benjamin," he asks kind of angrily.

"Don't talk to me like that or I'll eat you out and make sure you're loud enough for everybody to hear," Hayes threatens.

This scares Aaron and his whole face turns a pink. "Don't say stuff like that in front of everybody Hayesy daisy," Aaron whispers to Hayes, hiding his face in his boyfriend's chest.

Hayes wraps his hand Aaron. "I'm sorry Care bear," he apologizes. "I just wanted to inform you and the others that Ashton called and he said it's safe to come back."

"Mashmellow is fine," Luke asks beside me.

"Yes mashmellow is okay," Hayes tells him.

"We can see Taylor today," Tristen asks me. He is wearing his onsie right now and has his favorite teddy bear with him. The teddy bear was given to him by Taylor and it has one of his bandannas on it.

I shake my head no to him. "It's a long drive home and it's already turning dark. It would be too dangerous," I tell him.

He pouts and hugs his bear tighter. "I want Taylor," he protest.

"We can call him and you can speak to him till you fall asleep," I suggest.

"Can we talk to him now," he asks me and gives me his little puppy dog eyes.
"Sure go upstairs and I'll be upstairs in a sec," I tell him. He grins and runs all the way upstairs.

Everybody chuckles at his antics. "He reminds me of my little sister sometimes," Hayes says with a sad smile.

Aaron rubs Hayes chest. "You'll see her soon," he tells him. The other boy nods his head.

"Well guys, it seems like I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight," I say. They say goodnight back and I walk upstairs.

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(Sequel To MITNN) Life Of The Private Party(shaylor) (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now