Chapter 13: More StarBucks and Hopping...?

Start from the beginning

"Wait, what??" I yelled, running out into the hallway, forgetting about my clothing choices momentarily. She turned around, smiling sweetly at me, like she didn't just threaten me.


I stood straight up, trying to use our height differences as an advantage, which just ended up making her look sassier. "You're saying that if I don't eat, I will have to walk all the way to the next town over??"

She laughed. "Yes. Now go put some clothes on mister, you have a big day ahead of you."

Stunned, I stood in the hallway, looking at her retreating ass, enjoying the view, and contemplating my cons and pros of her threat. If I didn't eat, I could work out on the way there, and that would make me lose at least five pounds. On the other hand, the only thing I've eaten in the last week was two chips and a carrot, plus I would get mobbed by girls on the way there. Quickly, I made up my mind.

**An hour later**

I had four pairs of prying eyes on me as I finished off my second burrito.

"Wha' 'u lookin' at?" I said, burrito still shoved in my mouth.

Niall chuckled slowly and unsurely. "It's just that" he looked around at the others, getting a signal I guess, to continue. When they all nodded, he finished his sentence. "you haven't eaten for so long mate. And now your shoveling two breakfast burritos at a time. Change of heart?"

I swallowed my food, and gave them the answer they'd want to hear. "Hope threatened to make me walk to the photoshoot if I didn't eat before she left." I left out the part where she said I only had to eat half of one burrito. "Where is she??" I asked.

"She walked by really fast 'bout am hour ago, mumbling about smoking and some boy named Blaine." Harry said in his slow morning voice, as he gave Louis a massage.

"She's still gone??" I asked. They all nodded, and I decided to go through Hope's bio that Lou sent us while he was gone. Maybe I could learn why he tensed up when I asked about here dad, and who this Blaine kid is. "Okay." I said, getting up an brushing myself off for the second time today. "Well Louis if you'll just give me Hope's bio, and my cup of coffee that Niall is currently drinking out of, and I will be on my way."

Louis blinked, quite a few times, before answering. "I-I-here." He stammered, sliding me a folded piece of paper.

I grabbed it and scanned the first few sentences. "Shouldn't there be more here??" I asked, looking through it.

"This was all I got."

I cursed under my breath, before walking out of the room and into mine.

"Good morning Zayn!" Niall yelled from the kitchen, probably confused.

"Okay!" I yelled back, before closing my door. Time to read everything I could about Hope, and her mysterious past.



"No." I laughed.

Ed chuckled. "Yep."

I shook my head, still laughing. "Edward Sheeran there is no way that you, a random ginger from England, has met Perez Hilton. There is simply no way in hell."

(I had decided to meet up with Ed at Starbucks after I bought a few things, including the one thing I truly needed. Something about Ed was different, like he was sweet, but not too sweet. I felt like he and I would be great friends, even though he was a random stranger I had just met.)

He took a sip of his coffee before answering. "Well believe it Hope Stillwell. Now tell me about you."

I shrugged. "What is there to know? My life is quite boring."

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