"Of what?"I stiffened,hoping that no one had harmed her.

"Today is graduation and....I don't have a...fam.."

"Don't even complete that statement."I cut her off. "I'll be your new family and you'll be mine,okay?"

"Okay."She answered.

I could tell that she was smiling at that thought and so was I,I welcomed the thought of her being my family because she was already my home.

"I..love you..De..Xavier."She stammered.

"I love you more Sel."I said,speaking for the feeling which was swelling my chest and making my pulse quicken. 

"I like the sound of that."Her voice dropped.

"Then I will keep on saying it till my last dying breath."I promised.

I could see us having a future,maybe years or months or most likely an hour from now.

The line went silent for sometime making me question  if she had already ended the call"I..need to go,it's time for the shoot."She quickly said before ending the call.

I threw my phone on the wall as soon as the line went dead.It shattered into pieces just like my other 3 phones had when I had almost lost her those other three times.

I attacked my hair,running my hands round it as well as tugging it as a punishment for what I had just said.

Way to go..your last dying breath?,Even shakespeare himself wasn't this cheesy

What if  l scared her off?

I stopped such foolish thoughts from running through my head as I recalled what had happened   between us in the island.

She said she loved you,so she won't leave you.

But she never said till her last dying breath?Did she?

I wanted to take things slow and steady at her own pace but I was a man after all.There were times I wanted her to be silent for the whole day,saying no single word apart from our fighting tongues speaking for us or when she came out of the shower with her wet hair sticking neatly to her back and her over short towel stopping only at her thighs,times like that I wanted to take her back into the shower but Derek the whipped boy was trying to take things......





I should go and apologize to her there.

What if you make her burst into tears because of you,stupid.

I let out a loud sigh as I slumped into my chair.

Sel was very fragile and shy when it came to things like this but that would never make me to stop loving her,the same way she had fixed me was the same I would do so to her.I would take all the terrible memories her father had given her  and turn them into memories of only us.Our confessions last night in the island was already a sign that she was learning to trust me and that was the main reason I couldn't have sex with her last night.

A loud knock came from the door,pulling me from my worried state.Right now,I welcomed any distraction apart from sex that could take my mind of Ann for a time.

"Come in."I said,forcing my authoritative tone to return.

"Good Afternoon,Sir."Michelle the blonde haired lady greeted as she stepped into my office.Michelle was my assistant in my company while Claire was my assistant in school.

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now