1. We- we were watering our fishes!

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"Elodie?" someone calls my name, I turn around, Mrs.Hasley, our guidance counsellor, and a science teacher- is beckoning me over . She's a brunette with brown eyes, always wears a pencil skirt and a warm smile. It's no surprise that everyone likes her.

"Hey, I'll catch up with you guys later." I tell Ashton and Megan as I towards her. Ashton give me a thumbs up and Megan a smile with a wave.

"Yes Mrs.Hasley?" I say when I get there.

She smiles at me, "I have a few transfer students I'd like you to show around, can you do that for me?"

"Oh yeah sure." I pipe up, ignoring my confusion on why she would pick me out of all people, I don't know, maybe it's because I'm pretty much the most outgoing person in school, you know, to show 'em the school spirit.
Well, their idea of the school spirit anyway. The actual students have a school spirit similar to that of a squirrel.
When it has stopped breathing.
But that's beside the point.

I walk into the office to find four guys standing awkwardly, looking around. I look at the guys, the guys look at me, Mrs.Hasley looks at the guys and me. I look back at Mrs.Hasley. The guys look at each other, then at Mrs.Hasley.

"Well, introduce yourselves." Mrs.Hasley urges us.

"Oh. Right," I say, "I'm Elodie!" I grin at them with an outstretched hand.

I guess our moment of losing all sense of communication has passed, as one, with dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes that shine with mischief and adventure- takes my hand and gives me a charming smile, eyes meeting mine "I'm Spencer."

Another one- who's leaning against the wall, with hair the color of dark chocolate, his blue-grey eyes cold, calculating. He sucks in his cheek, then nods at me, "Xander." 

"Axel." He doesn't look at me at first, because he was glaring at some kid in the window, I look over the window, the kid visibly gulps and then disappears. His eyes then lock me in place, they're a shade of gray that reminds me of freshly polished steel. Maybe it's the contrast between his dark hair and light eyes that makes him striking, or maybe it's the visible outline of his build under his shirt.

The last guy stays silent- three words are enough to describe this guy: class, black and white. He has black hair and uncannily dark eyes, in addition to a black button up with a white bow tie.

I look at him confusedly. He's looking directly at me- but he doesn't see me, he's looking beyond, he seems to be out of this world- thinking.

"Oh, that's Lance, he's a mute." Spencer informs me. At the mention of his name Lance seems to snap out of his daze.

"Oh. Hey." I wave at him. He rubs the back of his neck, gives me a small wave. Then stuffs his hands in his pockets and shifts his gaze to the floor.

"Isn't he adorable," spencer coos, pinching Lance's cheek- Lance glares at him and pushes him away, his cheeks showing a hint of red.

Ok four words: class, black, white, adorable.

Mrs.Hasley tells me I have a full lesson to show them around, our math teacher is absent- not that I'm bad at math. Unlike 97% of people in class, I actually know how to do math- and she'll give us all an excuse slip. After that she leaves the office to get to her class. We all stand there awkwardly for a few seconds, the only sound in the room is the ticking of the clock on the wall.

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