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The past week has been pretty weird.

I've been seeing and hearing a lot of things.

Let's take this morning's walk to school as an example- What? I like walking.


It was a quiet, empty street, not yet corrupted by the bustle of city life. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and somebody was following me.

At first I thought I was just being paranoid. I mean, it's not the first time I've been paranoid that week. I ignored it, labeled it as paranoia, but after a couple of blocks, I really started to freak out.

At some point he had taken a phone and began speaking into it, and I was becoming increasingly aware of his presence, his footsteps were getting louder, closer, faster. I could hear my heart beat against my ears.

But then a thump behind me made me whip around to find- nothing. There was nothing. The guy who was following me was gone.

But I know I heard a thump- that sounded like something penetrating skin, and a gasp, that was the scariest part, it was as if someone was cut short of trying to scream.

I then cautiously walked back to the alley I just passed, took a peek from the wall. I remember feeling pissed and sure as hell I've seen something- I knew I did, it had to be real.

The alley was fitted between three buildings, the walls were covered with mould, the bricks worn out. There was nothing but a few garbage cans in the corner, fire escape stairs on the building to my right.

I frowned, there was no trace of anyone ever being there.

But I knew I saw a guy in a hood, well maybe he passed by the corner while I was being paranoid. I sulked all the way to school after that.

God. That was the forth time that happened. Am I imagining things? First I thought I heard a muffled scream, then a loud bang from somewhere, and then something which sounded excruciatingly like the sound of bone cracking- and every time I go to check it out- it's always the same result. Nothing.

Oh, and it doesn't end here, after a few blocks, I heard a strangled cry- comming from above.

I didn't even bother look up.


Presently, I stare at the history teacher. Mr. Nell, a man in his late thirties, he's very stiff, always wears a black button up, his hair unkept. He's explaining something about military campaigns and napoleon, even has a map on the board. It's hard to listen to him, I mean, he doesn't even try to make the lesson sound intersecting, he just drones on and on..

Oh, another memory in going to doze off into..


We are so sitting next to each other." I told Ashton on the way to history class. Most of our classes' seating plans are in accordance to our last names, my last name is Emmett, Ashton's is Faian. We are so sitting next to each other.

We took our seats next to each other while Mr.Nell called out names.

"Hey Ellie," Ashton perked up at some point.

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