Chapter 14

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry if I don't update as frequently as I used to. But I'll try my best! XX



LUCAS POV (8 years old)

We had a family supper in the dining room along with my uncle, Lucius. We all ate silently and nobody talked. "So-" Lucius said, finally ending the silence. "Do you like running the kingdom, Nicolai?" Dad answered, "Well um it's good. Being a king, you'll need great responsibility. I protect my family as well as my people." "I see."

We all watched my dad and Lucius speak without saying a word.

Supper ended and we headed to our rooms.

I got ready for bed and changed into my pyjamas. I went to bed and closed my eyes shut when suddenly, I heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I called out. The door opened and Lucius came in wearing his black cloak. He walked nearing my bed, dragged a chair from my desk and sat there next to me.

"Can I speak to you for a moment, Lucas?" Lucius asked. I nodded nervously. I studied his features, Lucius has jet black hair and some stubble. He had silver eyes that scares me a lot.

Lucius said with his deep voice, "There are a lot of things you do not know about me and your father. There is a real reason why your father never told you about me." I stared at him looking confused. Lucius continued, "Only the eldest child of the King shall be crowned the ruler of Trixwerys. Ever since I was a child, I have always dreamt to be king, but your father was the heir to the throne. I was heartbroken and on the coronation day, I ran away from Trixwerys filled with hatred and despair. I changed my name so people wouldn't recognize that I'm prince."

I was speechless. Does he know that he's talking to an 8 year old?

Lucius asked suspiciously, "When your parents die, the next heir to the throne will be you sister. You know that don't you? Will you hate her for this?" In Ephiezora, the ruler of a kingdom will be the eldest child. It could be a girl or a boy. I said, "Yes, I know that. But I don't care if my sister becomes queen, I don't even want to be king!"

Lucius rubbed his chin, "hmm interesting. Are you saying you don't want great power?" I answered, "I don't need great power." Lucius stared at me and grinned. He rubbed my head and said, "now go to bed, Lucas." He got up, walked towards the door and went out of my room. That's one sweet conversation. I felt sleepy and went to bed.


I finally woke up. I yawned and glanced at the clock on the wall that showed 7 am. I dropped down from my bed and walked out of my room.

As I walked along the corridor, my mom ran after me from behind me panicked, "Lucas! Have you seen Patricia?" I shook my head, "Nope, haven't seen her." Mom sighed, "she's not in her room. Could you go look for her honey?" I whined, "can't you find her yourself?" Mom glared at me, "I've got things to do young man. Now let me know if you find her." Mom walked away.

I walked some more heading to the stairs when I heard Lucius' voice. I turned around and at the end of the corridor, one of the guest room door was half opened.

Curious, I headed towards it and tip toed quietly nearing the door. As I was there, I pressed my body against the wall and peaked in a bit to see what was going on. Lucius was there talking to someone. He was talking to my sister.

Patricia was sitting on a chair at the corner of the room and Lucius was kneeling down with his hand straightened to Patricia. It was like he was showing her some kind of spell.

I listened to their conversation. "Patty, only few sorcerers can cast these spells and they're difficult to master." Lucius said. "Show me." Patty demanded. Lucius nodded.

He raised his arm higher and spoke some weird words I have never heard before. Suddenly, black smokes came out from Lucius' hand and the room turned dark. Black smokey wings appeared from his back. I was shocked.

Patricia gasped, "Where did you learn this spell?" Lucius answered, "from a great sorcerer far from here." Patricia frowned, "b-but this is a dark spell. My teacher says that spells that are black are bad and we should never cast them." Lucius chuckled as he stared deeply to his hand. He glanced back to Patricia and said, "Patty Patty Patty. You really think you can be fooled by your teacher? You think your teachers at school have ever had great adventures outside Trixwerys like me? Course not. I'm well experienced and these spells, they're not evil! They're really strong."

Patricia made a devilish grin, "Yeah, God only knows what my dumb teachers can do. Teach me Lucius, if these spells can really do those things you said earlier, then I want to master it! Just like you." Lucius smiled, "I would be pleased to teach you. But you cannot learn here. I can take you out of Trixwerys to let you be my apprentice, Patty." Patricia smiled excitedly.

Lucius added, "but you mustn't tell anyone about this." Patricia shrugged, "why not?" "Do you really want anyone else to be able to do those spells?" Patricia shook her head. "So you must promise me you won't tell anyone." Patricia drew a cross on her chest with her finger.

After their "interesting" conversation was over, Lucius glanced at me and smirked. I jumped and ran away. I went in my room and locked the door.

I knew Lucius was hiding something, and now he's got Patty involved in this. I needed to tell my parents about this.

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