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Cameron's POV
Right now I was in the car taking Alex and Julianna to Kaitlin's.
Emily is there and Ryleigh, Chandler doesn't have work today.
Julianna started crying right when we pulled up to Kaitlin's.
I got her out of the car seat, Chandler came out and she stopped crying.
I handed her to him and Emily came running out.
"Baby, baby!" She yelled, Alex ran to her.
"That's our cousin!" Alex laughed.
"Y'all go inside" Chandler said.
"How's work been?" He asked.
"Good, long hours but it's worth it, you sure you don't mind watching them?" I asked.
"Yeah, it's fine, Emily is going to be here some times and Alex likes her so it's fine" he said.
"Alright, well I gotta go , see you at five" I said
Kaitlin's POV
Ryleigh started crying so I went to her room and fed her.
After I stopped feeding her I walked down the stairs and gave her to Chandler.
"Ryleigh is crying again" Alex said.
"Yes, you used to cry like that" I replied.
"No, Julianna did, I was quiet" he replied.
Chandler and I laughed, "sure" I said.
I looked at Chandler and he took everyone buy Ryleigh and Julianna to the park.
It was almost Julianna's nap time when they came back but Ryleigh was sleeping.
"Aunt Kaitlin!" Alex yelled running to me.
I picked him up,"yes?" I asked.
"We saw uncle Hayes at the park!" Alex said excitedly.
"Did y'all play together?" I asked, he nodded his head and i put him down.
I went to go make Alex lunch when Chandler walked in.
"How was the park?" I asked, "Good, we saw Hayes, the kids played with them" Chandler replied.
Ryleigh started crying, "I got her" Chandler replied and ran upstairs.
I finished making lunch when Chandler walked back downstairs.
"There's my baby" I said to Ryleigh, "Yep, here I am" Chandler said.
"Funny, I was talking to my daughter" I said laughing, taking Ryleigh.
"Well, she looks like me, blue eyes, dark hair" he replied.
"I have blue eyes too, she has your dark hair right now" I replied.

Short ass chapter lol, ending the book next chapter.

Hayes Grier, Best friend? SEQUELOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora