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Kimberly's POV
Cam and I are in Florida for another three days, I miss Alex terribly but it's been peaceful. I don't know how I'm gonna manage to have two babies.
"What are you thinking about?" Cameron asked, "Alex and about how we're gonna manage to have two babies" I said, "We'll manage, especially since I'm not acting right now and Kaitlin can watch Alex when she's free." He said making me feel better.
Kaitlin's POV
I woke up but Hayes wasn't in bed, I walked to Alex's room and he wasn't either. Alex has a room here and he shares it with Grayson. I walked down to the kitchen to find a note
Morning baby, Took Grayson and Alex out to the park be back before 12, Love you
Well it's ten right now and the house is a mess so I decided to clean it.
~hour later~
It's now eleven and the boys are back, "Hey guys, y'all got back early" I said while Alex and Grayson walked in.
"Y'all are so dirty, where's uncle Hayes?" They pointed outside to the garage and walked up to their room.
Hayes walked in, shut the door and put the boys' stuff down. 
Hayes' POV
We left early because the boys were hungry and they were dirty. "Y'all are home early" Kaitlin said while I put the boys' stuff down and walked to the kitchen, "Hey, I'm going out to eat with Jeffrey in a little bit" Kaitlin said. What why? , "Okay have fun" I said and she went to go get ready. Why is she hanging out with Jeffrey again? I know they're friends still but we have the boys right now and I sorta wanted to spend time with all of them. "When will you be home?" I yelled upstairs, "Around two!" She yelled back. Well least we can sorta have a family night.
I started making the boys their lunch and called them down when I finished making it.
Kaitlin's POV
I texted Jeffrey that I will be ready and will meet him at the restaurant in about two hours. I hopped in the shower and got out, I blow dried my hair, did my makeup and put my clothes on. When I finished it was time for me to leave. I walked downstairs "Bye, love y'all" I told Grayson, Alex and Hayes. I walked out and got in my car.
Jeffrey's POV
I got to the restaurant the same tome as Kaitlin did, we met up and walked inside. "Table for two please" I asked. "Awe, cute couple" the waitress said, "oh, thanks by we aren't dating" Kaitlin said. That hurt, I just can't get over her even after everything.
Two hours later
Kaitlin's POV
I got home about a hour after and now Hayes and I are giving the boys a bath. "Look watch" Alex said, he put bubbles in his hand a blown on them. We all laughed.
We were all watching sponge bob and the boys were in their fort Hayes and I made for them. They were starting to get tired so we waited till they fell asleep and we put them to bed.
Hayes and I went to living room and just talked till we fell asleep.

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