Chapter 42...

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copyright to psychosocial13

I don’t know how long Kyler’s been running.

It didn’t feel like long but then again it did.

It felt longer because of the extremely cold air.

The air had to be at least 30. At least.

I was shivering and all I wanted was to be in Kyler’s arms somewhere warm.

Kyler slowed down when we were near a town.

He didn’t put me down until we reached a little hotel.

He set me down and led me into the check in area as I shivered.

Kyler paid for a room and then led me there.

The hotel was at least a four star hotel and it was rather cozy actually.

“Stay here and don’t open the door for anyone. If someone comes, I want you to hide. Understood?” Kyler said, looking dead serious.

I nodded. “Understood.”

“Good. I’ll be back in about five minutes.” Kyler said, kissing my forehead and then disappearing.

I locked the door when he left and grabbed the covers off the bed and wrapped them around me and then hid in the corner under the desk.

Hey, might as well hide anyways.

I was almost asleep when a loud bang woke me up.

I peaked over the blanket and saw two huge buff guys standing in the doorway.

They entered and looked around, as if looking for someone.

Then I realized they were from the agency and they were looking for me.

I got back as far as I could and hid myself in the blanket, covered by the shadows of the desk.

I just hope they couldn’t smell me or I’d be screwed.

I screamed when they yanked the cover off me.

I got up and ran only for them to block the door.

Tears ran down my face.

“Leave her alone!” Kyler shouted, easily shoving the guy that was blocking the door.

Kyler picked me up and ran again.

I got as close to him as possible, trying to block the cold wind.

About a minute later, he stopped and set me down.

We were completely hidden somewhere in a forest.

“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” he asked, giving me a once over.

“I’m fine. Just cold.”

“Here. This is what I went to get.” he said wrapping me in a heavy blanket I didn’t realize he was holding.

I pulled it tight around me.

I pulled it over my head and Kyler picked me up again.

“You ready?”

I nodded and buried my head in his chest.

I closed my eyes as he ran.

At least most of the cold was blocked out.

Somehow, I managed to fall asleep.

At least I fell asleep in Kyler’s arms, the only place I knew I was safe.

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