Chapter twenty-eieght...

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After a few hours of swimming, I decided to get out.

The chlorine was overwhelming me and I was tired.

Couldn’t be because it was midnight.

Kyler followed me as we walked back to the room.

Shockingly, I was starting to know my way around the castle.

I took a shower and then laid in bed, my eyes closing.

I was almost asleep when Kyler shook my shoulder.

“Hm?” I mumbled, not opening my eyes.

“Alex told me something today that I never thought would be a possibility.”


“He told me he was…”

“Was what?” I asked, turning to him and finally opening my eyes.


My eyes widened.


“Yeah. Now that I think about it… I can see it. He never hangs around people and always seemed to stare at the guys.”

My hopes shot up.

“Maybe him and X could get together!”

Kyler smiled.


I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder as he pulled me closer to him.

Sleep overcame me in moments.


“Wakeup! Wakeup! Wakeup!” someone shouted coming into the room.

My eyes slowly opened and the bright sunlight burned.

“What now, X?” I grumbled, attempting to sit up.

“You need to wake up!”

“Why?” I mumbled, falling back down.

X picked me up.

“Cause I said so.”

Kyler got up, trying to hide his anger that a guy besides him was touching me.

“Oh, chill out dude.” X said putting me on my feet.

Kyler put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him.

“Alex is coming over to see me today! Me! No one’s ever wanted to come see me before! Besides you and Allie.” X said, trying so hard not to show his excitement.

He failed.

“We texted all night last night! He told me he was gay too! This could be my change to finally meet someone!”

I got out of Kyler’s grip and gave X a hug.

“I’m really happy for you.”

X smiled.

“Imma go get ready! Want to look my best around him! See ya later!”

“Bye X.”

Kyler pulled me close and kissed me.

“What’s wrong?” I asked pulling away, noticing Kyler’s unhappiness.

“I don’t like other guys touching you. Even if he is gay.”

I rolled my eyes.

“X wouldn’t hurt a fly, Kyler.”


I pecked him on the lips before grabbing clothes and walking into the bathroom, leaving Kyler behind.

Being sold to a hot emo vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be (completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin