Chapter thirteen...

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“Oh good. You’re up.” Nick said, a small Transylvanian accent showing.

He smiled and inched closer.

“What do you want from me!?”

Nick walked in the room and shut the door behind him.

“I want you to be my mate. Being the alpha of the pack and all, I need one. And when I saw you looking out the window at the mansion, I knew I just had to have you.”

“Well you cant have me. I belong to Kyler.”

“Not anymore.” he said picking me up from the ground and forcefully pressing his lips to mine.

“You’re quiet lucky my dear, for mating season is in full swing right now.” Nick said with a seductive grin.

I got out of his grip and practically coward in the corner.

“C’mon my love. There’s nothing to be afraid of.” he said, inching closer.

“There’s everything to be afraid of!”

Nick heaved a heavy sigh of annoyance.

“We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way. It’s your choice.” he said, undoing his belt and coming closer.

Tears ran down my face from pretty much every emotion you could think of.

“Do not cry, my love. It’s a huge honor to mate with the alpha.”

“There’s no honor in being raped!”

“You are so stubborn you know that.”

When he was close enough, I spit in his face and kneed him in his man area.

He growled at me and I felt a sharp stinging pain on my cheek.

I’ve never been slapped before, let alone by a werewolf.

“Don’t you ever do that again.” Nick said through his teeth.

“I love how you monsters think humans can be bought and sold and used for your own sexual pleasures.”

“That’s what humans are to us.”

“Toys? We’re nothing but toys to you? Nothing but toys you just throw away when you’re done with them?”

Nick stared at me, his yellow, yes, yellow eyes boring into me.

“I’ll come back when you have a better attitude and ready to fuck.” he said leaving.

I heard the door lock and I sank to the floor and cried.

Kyler’s P.O.V.

A familiar scream broke through the noise of the crowd.


I looked over to where I left her and saw at least ten of Nick’s clan members surrounded her.

One of which had grabbed her.

Rage shot through me and I was pissed beyond pissed.

As I started turning towards Nick, he punched me.

I fell, off balance from not preparing for the hit.

The guy holding Avery, banged her head on the table, her body instantly going limp.

“Avery.” I mumbled just as she disappeared.

I got up off the ground and slugged Nick in the face as hard as I could.

He stumbled but didn’t fall.


I was hoping he’d fall.

I kicked him in the gut which sent him flying backwards

“WHERE IS SHE!!?” I shouted at the top of my lungs to be heard over the crowd and the fact I was pissed.

Nick smiled and gave an evil laugh.

“You’ll never know.”

Being sold to a hot emo vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be (completed)Where stories live. Discover now