Chapter thirty-one...

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I tugged and tugged at the chains but they never gave.

They even started digging into my wrists which made them bleed.


I haven’t bleed it forever!

Well, it’s hard to make a vampire bleed.

It’s the next second impossible thing to do.

It’s right under slamming a revolving door.

And maybe stapling jello to a tree.


It’s actually impossible to make a vampire bleed.

It has to be something with what the chains are made of that can do that.

Maybe… just maybe, if the chains can cause vampires to bleed, if formed into something sharp, can it kill us too?

I didn’t even want to think about it.

I was pulling on my shackles when Nick walked in two hours later.

My eyes narrowed and I set my jaw, still fucking pissed at him for what he did and what he’s doing.

“Ah, I see you found a way to make yourself bleed.”

I glared at him.

“You can speak you know.”

“I have nothing to say besides that I’m going to kill you.”

Nick laughed.

“If you even try to kill me or Jas, I’ll make Avery’s life an even bigger hell than it already is.”

“If you touch her-”

“Oh believe me, I did more than touch her. And you know what’s weird? She’s not getting pregnant. With werewolves people or other wolves get pregnant the first time they have sex during mating season, but she’s not.”

“Good for her.”

“No. That’s bad. That means no one will take my place as alpha if I die.”

“Oh you’ll die alright. As soon as these chains are gone, consider yourself a dead man. Or what ever the fuck you are.”

“Do what you wish. You’re not getting away from the chains without the key. And Avery isn’t getting out of the other castle until she’s pregnant.”

I glared at him and lunged at him, forgetting about the chains again.

“Or, maybe when she’s pregnant I might just keep her. Make sure you don’t do anything to get rid of our baby.”

“If you get her pregnant, I’ll make sure you’re dead!”

“You do that while I go fuck the only girl you love.” Nick said as he walked away, evilly laughing.

Avery’s P.O.V.

I was tired, hungry, sore, but most importantly, I felt sick.

My head was spinning, my stomach was aching, and it felt as though I were about to throw up at any minute.

So far today, Nick has come in and out five times and he wasn’t done with me yet either!

I don’t know how much more of this I can take!

Nick walked back in for the sixth time today.

“Please… no.” I begged, my voice dry and shaky.

Nick smiled evilly and picked me up bridal style before quickly carrying me through the castle and into a room.

Fur rugs covered the floor and one laid on the back of the couch and a few laid on the bed.

The fireplace was the only source of heat besides the heavy fur blankets.

Nick set me on the bed and pinned me there.

“Please don’t… please…” I started begging, tears running down my cheeks, not that they’ve stopped at all today.

“I’m not going to stop until you’re pregnant. And since for some reason, you’re not conceiving, I’m not going to stop.”

I turned my head so I wouldn’t have to look at him while he raped me for the sixth time today.

And I tried my hardest not to scream or get sick.

The screaming and crying happened anyways, just like the times before.

And just like the times before, he got more aggressive and made it more painful which made me scream and cry even more.

Kyler’s P.O.V.

“Please, Jessica, you’ve got to get me out of here. Please!?”

Jessica looked at me.

She had come to give me blood.

“I cant do that Kyler, and after what you did to me when I was yours, I cant trust you.”

“It’s not my fault you fell in love with me, Jessica.”

“No, but it’s your fault you didn’t fall in love with me!” she yelled, tears in her eyes.

“Jessica… I don’t even know what to say to you anymore.”

“You don’t have to say anything.” she said, getting up and walking towards the door.

A slight smile came to my lips when Kody and Alex stepped in her way.

“Ello love.” Kody said before he snapped her neck.

Being sold to a hot emo vampire isn't all it's cracked up to be (completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum