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Our wedding was only a month and a few days away so today I had to meet with the wedding planner to finalize a few things. I got dressed and went into the kitchen to make breakfast. The pancakes had just gotten finished when Colson walked in.

"Good morning beautiful. How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good."

"No morning sickness this morning? " he asked rubbing my stomach. 

"Just a little. I went into the half bath so I wouldn't wake you. I know you haven't been sleeping well."

"Awwe baby, its ok. You should've woke me up."

"Its fine. I'm ok. It wasn't that bad."

"Have you decided when we should tell everyone?"

"I figured after the wedding. I'll be 4 months by then. I'm just glad I'm not really showing yet. I don't wanna have to get my dress let out more."

"It will be ok."

"No, I'll be all fat."

"You'll still be beautiful to me." He smiled rubbing his hands down my body.

"Nope, we gotta get our day started or will never get anything done."

"Fine, but are you sure you don't need me to come with you?"

"No Casie is looking foward to you being at her game."

"Ok if your sure."

"I'm sure. I'll be fine."


After Casie's game I came home and saw Leah's car outside. I came in and expected to smell food coming from the kitchen. Maybe she wasn't feeling well. I was about to head into the bathroom to check on her when the doorbell rang. I opened it expecting it to be a delivery guy but was shocked at who was on the other side. Drake!

"Look I know I'm the last person you were expecting to see but I have to see Leah." He said holding an envelop in his hand.

"What the fuck dude! You got some nerve coming here."

"Look its not what you think. If I could just see her then she'll know exactly why I'm here."

I was about to slam the door in his face." Its really important. Please."

"Leah!" I called but she didn't answer. So I decided to walk into our bedroom and as soon as I did my heart fell in my stomach. The whole room was torn apart like we had been robbed. I walked around the room and saw blood on the other side of the bed and on some of the sheets. I ran back out to the living room where Drake was and grabbed my phone.

"Where's Leah?" He asked looking concerned.

"I don't know! I don't know! Our bedrooms torn apart and there's blood everywhere!"

While i called the police, he ran into the room to get a look for himself.

"Shit man! This is my fault. This is all my fault!" He yelled

"You had something to do with this?"


Shit Jim had already gotten here and he had already done God only knows what to Leah and this shit was all my fucking fault.

"That's why I came. Did Leah ever tell you about her step dad? H was just released from prison on March 14th and the state of Texas and the prison have both been trying to contact Leah but because she was using my address and changed her phone number she had no way of knowing about his release."

"March 14th! Dude do you fucking realize what the date is now? It April 1st! Why the fuck would you wait til now to contact her!" He yelled as anger started to consume his body.

"They sent it to my old address in Cali and it must of gotten lost when they tried to forward it to me. I tried calling and when I realized she changed her number I flew down here."

"Shit shit shit!" He said pacing back and forth.

The police arrived and took evidence and photos. Other than Jim Anderson they had nothing else to go on. They showed Leah's and Jim's pictures on TV. It was all anyone could talk about. It had been two days and they still had no leads. I could really tell it was eating Kells apart. I could only hope that Leah was ok and that she would be found soon. 

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