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I was upstairs in one of the rooms that had the window open. I looked out Drake and Leah as they talked. Yeah I'm being nosey but its my fucking house, get over it. Anyways, I witnessed Leah slap Drake. She hit him so hard I felt that shit. As I listened to their conversation I guess the others could hear it too cause they came out of their hiding spots and into the room I was in.

"Yo Kells, what the fucks going on?" Slim whispered

"Well apparently Leah and Drake are together or use to be. I don't know its some shit." I whispered

"Aww shit! What the hell is he doing here?" Ash whispered

"So you knew?" I asked as I glared at her.

"Yeah their broken up but its not my business to discuss. Look you better get down there before she tries to kill him." She begged.

By the time we got downstairs I could hear Leah yelling."Don't fucking touch me! Don't ever fucking touch me!" I flung the door open. "Yo man you gotta go!" I said. I thought there was gonna be an altercation but he left. Ashleigh walked out and hugged her and me and the boys went inside to try and cool down.


"Leah, are you ok? How did he know you were here?" Ashleigh asked.

"Yeah, he uh said he seen us all out at the club and he saw Colson grab my hand and he thinks were fucking now." I half chocked out.

"Its ok, he's never gonna come back here again. I'll make sure of it. Now come inside."

I walked inside and the whole room was silent. I could tell they weren't trying to make eye contact with me. They all probably think I'm crazy. I'm sure they saw me slap Aubrey but they don't know the truth.

I walked down to the basement and went into my room to sleep. I tossed and I turned. I couldn't help but have nightmares about the first time Drake hit me. We had really gotten into it that night about one of his sidelines and he slapped me across the room. Ever since then everytime he touched me I would flinch and get defensive. I never knew if or when he'd lose it and hit me. Even when he was being kind and sweet. I just couldn't trust him anymore.

I never knew when he would hit me again. I lied to myself saying that first time was the last time. That's exactly what my mother did. The last time he hit me was the night before I found about his sideline being pregnant. We argued because I wanted to go out with Shay and some of her friends. I still remember it like it was yesterday.


"Why can't I go Aubrey?"

"Because Shay and all her friends ain't nothing but hoes and you will not be associated with them."

"She's like the only friend I got. You've never allowed me to go out and meet people. Besides Shay isn't like that. She's dating your cousin remember?"

"I don't fucking care. You're not going!"

"Aubrey I'm going anyways and you can't stop me!"

I shouldn't have yelled back. I should never have defied him. Then he wouldn't have gotten so mad. He grabbed me by my hair and I fought him off. I was running for the stairs when he caught up to me and pushed me down them. I ended up at the bottom and all I remember was him slowly walking down them and walking over to my body.

"I guess your not going now are you? " he asked looking down at me. He walked off and left me there in pain.

The next morning I remember waking up in bed. Aubrey had put a heating pad on my back and left meds for me on my nightstand. He came upstairs and brought me breakfast in bed and then told me I could go shopping and buy anything I wanted. After I ate I undressed and saw all the bruises. Especially the large ones on my back and side. This was normal for me. I would get in the shower and the water would hit me making it hurt even more.

Flashback over

Its sad but the only thing that made me leave was seeing his latest sideline pregnant and in my face. That was when I really realized he didn't love me.


I really wanted to go check on her but Ash wouldn't let me. She said she would go see how she was and then maybe I could come down. After about 30 minutes she came back up and told me Leah said it was ok for me to come down. And she wanted to see me too. I walked down the steps and knocked on her door before entering.



"I'm sorry he came here." She said

"Its ok."

"Can I ask you something?" I asked

"I guess."

"Why didn't you tell us Drake was your boyfriend?"

"I was trying to leave my past in California."

"Ok but if you ever wanna talk about it we can. And if I was out of line for kissing you earlier. I'm sorry."

"No I wanted you to. Its just I'm not trying to rush into anything else right now."

"I understand."

Drake VS. MGKOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora