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Today we are leaving Cali to go back to Cleveland. I was little nervous for the past 3 years Aubrey was all I had and now I was running from him. I didnt tell him I was leaving. I just got on the jet and never looked back. I had alot on my mind. I wanted to sleep but couldn't even if I wanted to. The boys were keeping up so much noise.

"Leah! Tea time!" yelled Dub

"Umm what?"

"He just being funny. We wanna get to know you better." replied Dre

"Ok what would you like to know?" please ask me anything that doesn't have to do with Drake. I thought to myself.

"So you went to college? What was your degree in?" Slim asked.

"Public relations with a minor in dance."

"So are you originally from Cali?" Dub asked

"No Texas actually."

"Interesting thats where Kells was born." Dre responsed.

"Yeah, I was born and raised there."

"So you must be a real free spirit seeing as you move around. I mean dont you have any family or a boyfriend you would be leaving behind?"

"No, I wouldn't say I'm a free spirit. I just know when its time to start over."

The whole time I was being drilled Kells just sat there an observed for a bit. I was praying Ash would hurry up and come out the restroom. They were really getting in my business.

"So if you and Ashleigh are such good friends how come she's never talked about you?" Kells asked.

Before I could answer Ash came out of the bathroom,"what are you guys doing?"

"We just askin a few questions. Trying to get to know your girl Leah better." Kells responded.

"Well it sounded more like an interagation. Look there's alot I've never told you about and Leah is one of them. She's my best friend and I literally talk to her every other day. She's cool people and she's like family to me and she's gonna be your family too. So lay the fuck off."

After that I felt relieved. I knew that eventually the conversation would get into some really personal stuff. And I didn't want anyone to link me to Drake and I really didnt want to talk about him.


I trusted Ashleigh, I really did but it was kinda something about Leah. She had this real mysterious vibe to her kinda like she did the night I met her at Wayne's party. Now that I think about it who was she there with? I mean you had to know somebody to get in and she seemed to know a lot of people there very well but I never seen who she came in or left with. I know she knew Wayne but she was really concerned about some other guy when Wayne came up to us. I've met some interesting characters while on the road. Maybe she was a stripper, a video vixen, or hell maybe even a high price call girl. She was hiding something.


About 3 months passed and the guys were really starting to be kinda cool. They didn't ask as many questions and we hung out with each other and had a great time. My job was so easy. All I did was make phone calls, check dates, and sat up appointments. Easy shit. Every other day Drake would call me and I wouldn't answer. I figured he would get the hint eventually and just leave me alone.

"Leah!" Slim called from inside the studio.

"Whats up?"

"What time do we have to be at the club appearance tonight?"

"We need to be there by 10 no later than 10:30."

"Ok cool." he said walking back inside.

I went back into my room to find something to wear for tonight. I felt a chill and put on my hoodie since it got kinda drafty down here in the basement sometimes. After I found something I decided to take a nap since we had a few hours.

A few hours later I woke up to someone standing in my room. It was dark but I could see someone. I freaked out and grabbed my table lamp and threw it.

"Woe! SHIT! Damn girl, it's just me!" he yelled flipping the switch.

"Oh my gosh Kells! What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Shit you tried to kill me." he laughed touching the back of his neck.

"I should have. Shit did I hurt you?" I asked walking over to check him out.

"Uh yeah."

"Thank God, its just a scratch. What were you doing in here?"

"Ash needed to borrow your lint roller and asked me to come get it for her. I didn't know you'd try to kill me." he chuckled.

"Its really not funny. I could've killed you."I said handing him the lint roller

"It's cool. I just didn't wanna wake you but I know next time that would be a better idea." he said leaving my room.

I really wish he hadn't done that. I completely freaked out. That triggered so many painful memories and flashbacks. I pushed it from my mind and decided to get ready. I put on my ripped leather leggings and a tightly fitted Lace up crop top, and red Dior heels.


After cheating death, I couldnt help but wonder what made Leah react that way. Who did she think I was? About an hour later we were on our way to the club for my appearance. Everybody was gettin too turnt. When we pulled up the club was packed. We walked in and went to our VIP section. We had a few drinks and then I went on staged and performed two songs. The crowd for going crazy. Me and the boys were on stage and Ashleigh and Leah were on the dance floor. I paid close attention to Leah as she danced. Her and Ashleigh danced with some twins and then later a few other guys. The night was coming to close so I wrapped up and was getting my crew together to leave. There were so many people and it was hard to keep up with each other. I spotted Leah who appeared to have had a little to much to drink and grabbed her hand till we made it to the car.


My flight to New York had a layover in Cleveland, I hated layovers. I can't wait for my jet to get fixed. I called Leah a few more times after I landed, but she still didnt pick up. I wasn't gonna give up on her. My boys suggested we go to the club. I wasn't really feeling it but decided to go anyways. MGK and his crew were there, shit was wild and crazy. I hung out in VIP most of the night. It was getting close to closing time and I looked down and could have sworn I seen Leah. It couldn't of been. I walked over the railing to get a better look and it was her. Why the hell was Leah in Cleveland and why in the hell wasn't she answering my calls. By the time I got down to the dancefloor she was gone. I went for the exit to see if she was already outside and seen the worst thing I could ever imagine. Leah was walking holding hands with MGK. I just stood there in shock. Leah with MGK. This can't be life.

Drake VS. MGKWhere stories live. Discover now