Chapter 86/Resistance/Cycles with wolves or do electric sheep dream of androids?

Start from the beginning

"We an't no FedEx" said Loop.

"You know your right, your not the first people to treat me like a parcel. Plus if you called me the package enough you might think you had implicit permission to wrap me in brown paper,  tie me up in twine and stick an address label to me."

"You tumblr girls" said Loop.

"I hope you're not disrespecting my religion, that's serious fighting talk" I said sitting in his arms relaxed by the heat of the gas stove.

We had requisitioned (looted in non werewolf marine speak) the camping gas canisters from a camping shop a few towns back. I liked the way Loop insisted on leaving an IOU note accounting for everything we took. Like one day, someone was going back to their shop, find stuff missing and then send an itemised bill to what ever the human government was. They would probably be paid in cabbages, and like it.

Generally while Loop wrote the note, I would hold a gun to a self-service checkout and say "any last words" as a joke. Once one of the self-service checkouts had said "I'm sorry?" tentatively. I was so shocked by this that I had blown the machine's brains out. Then burst into laughter.

"Speaking of religion do you remember that sheep we caught" I said yawning.

"What was his name? Memphis?" said Loop " wow he really hated us."

I had spend a day in a cave trading insults with a cyber sheep. This is what subtitled for freedom these days. The sheep phrased everything in terms of religion. The sheep were on a mission from god, Well technically gods they believed in a god-flock, I could have got that wrong I wasn't taking notes, they called themselves the 'children of the grass'. The cyber sheep called themselves 'the Ovid'. I tried to keep off religion ( from his point of view the Ovid's roll was to take the sheep out of 10,000 years of hell with humans and dogs as the smiley red demons) and got on to politics. Memphis had told me how the CPU had agreed to prevent all meat eating in exchange for the cyber animal's collaboration. The cyber animals were the dark hands ( technically dark hooves ) behind the robots rise.  This explained lack of meat both in the slave camp, Rockwood hall and even that afternoon in Stellavista. I kept missing slave food, OK it didn't have meat in it but it was very tasty. 

The humans had carefully limited and controlled the blood chips. The cyber animals controlling drones allowed the machines to get around this 'fail proof' A.I control mechanism. All that time America had been raising and feeding a vast army of killers.  the ultimate enemy within, we were such fools. More troops than you could possibly want and all perfectly motivated to fight. Plus they could easily eat off the land,   The true Robots and A.I's were smaller in number than I first thought, not enough to fight every army in the world the animal-cyborg controlled drones swelled their numbers.

Why had no one had a conspiracy theory about that? Like they had conspiracy theories about everything else from Marilyn Monroe's shoe size, to who really shot, the guy who really shot, Kennedy. Why nothing about America feeding millions of soon to be terrorists within our borders? Perhaps the whole  conspiracy theories business was a conspiracy to stop the real truth about a potential AI/Robot/Cyborg/Animal-Cyborg uprising from being found out. I mean what was the last time conspiracy theorists actually did their  job and told people about a conspiracy that actually threatened America before it happened?

I hated to admit it but all those vegans were right, we should have got rid of all those animals when we could, it was simple self defence. This was the A.I's secret ,most combat robots where 'drones' controlled remotely by the Ovid. 

I learnt a lot about cyber politics from Memphis. He was quite terrified of me and willing to tell me anything. Kind of a sheep equivalent of Scheherazade with me as Shahrayar (cute reference huh?). All though the image of a sheep in one of those Persian princess outfits with a veil would be pretty inaccurate. The quadratic alliance as the cyber animals called themselves where behind Zola's side of the bill. The Unicorn's were not quite as hard-line as the other animals and had defected to Villeria's side. The quadratic alliance of the animal cyborgs didn't like the horses, they were soft and not to be trusted in the jihad against humans. Memphis had worked in the capital but told me that a spate of implant malfunctions had made him leave. Memphis believed someone was behind the cyborg implants giving a fatal electroshocks to the animal cyborg's. Apparently the implant malfunctions didn't kill the cyborg's just reduced them to walking dead meat. The cyborgs apparently 'disappeared' soon after this happened. Memphis the sheep king of conspiracies pointed out that no human cyborgs had yet had this kind of malfunction. He had told me that Rockwood was still searching for me, but south near Austin.

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