Abnormal Behavior

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Chapter two: Abnormal Behavior
Cameron Bolt POV

Everything is pitch black, my head hurts and there is this feeling like I'm being set up in fire while high in Red Bull. My eyes won't open and I'm to tired to open them, I'm trying to move but not a single muscle twitches. There was this voice that keeps calling my name and telling me to wake up and I want to but I can't! "Cameron Cameron." the voice kept calling. Help!!

No response.

The burning sensation stopped but I still felt high on energy. My eyes flutter open and there was a blurry male figure shaking me. "Stop. Stop!" I said, I rubbed my eyes and looked at Jayden. "Why am I on the floor?" He just nods and he looks as confused as my question.

"Don't remember. I was on the floor here too." Jayden said and helped me up to my feet. "Come on get ready or we are going to be late." He walks out of my room and I headed to the closet.

Strange I don't remember any of last night's event. My mouth doesn't taste like alcohol, the room doesn't smells like weed.... how did I blacked out? I pull out a scratched pair of jeans, a white shirt and a blue fannel with my signature converse. I throw everything on the bed and went for a quick shower.

When I was done I put everything I picked out on, fixed my hair, went down stairs and ate a bowl of cereal. Not in the mood to cook. I glance at the clock that points that I'm going to be late if I don't hurry to school. I runned out he door and entered my car and started it but it made this wierd sound that it wouldn't start.

"Great! Now I have to run!" I frown, get out and closed the car before starting to run to school. I could feel the rush inside me and I closed my eyes for one second thinking of the getting to school. My whole body felt a like some kind of shock and I opened my eyes to find myself standing in front of the school.

Wait... how did I got here so fast? I was like 5 kilometers away. Wait what time is it? Still twenty minutes early...

I walk to inside calmly since I have no rush. I went to my locker and tappped in the combination on the lock and grabbed my first lessons textbook. Biology, Math, History, and PE. Couldn't hate this day more, I'm stuck with idiots all day long.

The bell rings.

I walk to my first period class and I heard a hollowed voice. "Stop... don't walk in there." The hollowed voice said, I turned around expecting someone but there wasn't anyone talking to me, just the rushing teenagers getting to class. I resumed my walk and the hollowed voice speaked again. "STOP!" I did at it said.

"Come on this ain't funny. Sto-" there was a explosion sounded that comes from the class room I was going to. There was a rush of people coming out as the fire alarms set off and in just in seconds everyone was on the hallways running out of school. What the fuck? I walked to the biology class room as Mr. Ransom put out the fire that was on my table and the adapter that was burned completely. Wait, did that voice stopped me from getting injured and possibly dying?

I turned around and walked outside with the rest of the school. There was a guy and a girl walking down the stairs, and the guy slips. I was like ten feet away and just in a second I had him in the grasp of my hands stopping his fall. I pulled him back from the shirt and he looked at me.

We looked at each other like we didn't have any words. I looked at his perfect cute face, his brownish-blond hair, those ocean blue colored eyes, and his kissible lips. Fuck! His so cute!.

"Eh hem." I girly voice gestured breaking both of us out of the trance. I looked at her and she looked exactly like him but more feminine and her eyes are green.

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