Ladies and Gentlemen!

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"I was going to the ball, no matter what happens. I am going to stand up and have fun and ignore everybody else that thinks different." I assured myself as I massaged my temples. I was nervous, very nervous actually and it was 5:30 pm. Jamie and his mom were coming any second now to pick me and Mom and her date up. I was not comfortable with him to be honest after that little door 'incident' as I may say.

I checked myself out in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs. I looked pretty decent. Everything was red except for my nails, they were colorless but my toes my colored white. It is odd to have your toes manicured but not your hands. I just don't like how it looks, people look at your hands all the time but not at your feet. I meant that all I am wearing on the outside is red or maroon. It suited me well in my opinion. I wasn't wearing my sandals yet because I wasvery clumsy when it came to going down the stairs. Our floor was made outta of carpet and stick metal heels don't pair.

I carried them in my free hand since I was holding a purse in the other. Believe me, I only get dressy on this day and not others. As I made sure my room was good to be left alone, I headed downstairs and saw Mom and her stupid date standing there waiting for me. God, they didn't have to act like I was the one taking so long!

Hmph. I sound like a total bitch right now.

I notice that he goes closer to the staircase.

I did not expect this, I fall over as I take a super quick glance at him, he's smirking evily. His foot is in a few inches in front of me and he tips me over. Mom stares at me in shock, she doesn't even help me up.

"Illysia Skyler Novellis, get up from the floor this instant!" she scolded. I was already blushing from embarrassment. She, who cared so little, had the guts to sermon me after her stupid date was the cause of my 'clumsy' fall? Sometimes I wish for a different mother, then I wouldn't be who I am today. An outcast who unintentionally messed with the wrong people.

I sighed and picked myself up and brushed off the dust that went onto the leg part of my dress. I apologized and grabbed my purse. I groaned in annoyance after they entered the kitchen to do what ever they had in mind.


 Not very many minutes passed when I heard a knock on the door, I was filled with relief as I grabbed the knob and turned it revealing a handsome and formal Jamie, his brown hair was messy which really surprised me. He usually has it up with some cheap gel from the convinience store. He was in an all black suit with the shoes of course. He had something behind his back that I didn't have much interest in but I was so hooked on his appearance. I haven't seen him for at least half a year. (I probably don't notice him much, I don't notice anyone around me.) When I raised my head to look at him, a friendly smile was pasted in place. I grinned for no reason at him, to play along I guess.

  "Well, well, well. If it isn't Lilly in her red halter dress." he said as I rolled my eyes. He stepped forward reaching out to me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his around my waist. He was probably going to -

  "EURGH! Ja..mie. Hold .. your horses!" I choked out while he was hugging the air out of me while lifting me off the ground. He laughed a cute laugh and I chuckled at that.

  He put me down and was grinning wide. Just like a kid that saw his favorite toy.

  "What're you smiling at Barney?" I shot at him, he faked hurt as he pretended to wipe a tear from his eye.

   "You. You look beautiful tonight and I can't help but stare at your pretty.." I arched an eyebrow. "Purse." He tried to hold back his laughter but failed after I jabbed him on the arm.

  "You want them? Get a life Jamie Holden, stop trying to flatter me because you're doing a really dumb job." I retorted. He was still grinning. I was about to go down the front steps when he held up a bouquet of red roses up to my face.

  "These, my princess, are for you." he uttered as he bowed like he just finished some show.

  I could see myself mentally, I was blushing so much and I couldn't do nothing to make it stop. Instead a single tear raced down my cheek, I looked away and wiped it softly with my hankerchief and shoved back into my purse. I turned to face him and he frowned. He grabbed forearms and rubbed them comfortingly.

  "Illysia, are you all right? Are you sad because of me?" he said softly. But I let out a small laugh.

  "I thought my name is Lilly, I guess not. I'm pretty happy actually, because of you. Thanks for the concern and the roses. they're wonderful Jamie." I responded as I hugged the roses in one arm. He had a toothy smile on and he stuck out his arm to me.

  "Shall we go, milady?" he asked in a posh manner. I rung my arm around his and off we went.

It was a quiet and comfortable ride to the mansion where the ball would take place. Actually it was an orphanage. It was huge all right probably more huge than the White House itself. There were going to be children too. It was so adorable and heart-warming to see children unlike my brother so joyously dancing and having a great time while their elders planned to dance and party and get drunk and other crap like that.

  We arrived shortly since it was only on the other side of town, a ten minute ride. I stepped out of the car after Jamie and my mask was already on my face. It was embroidered with silver studs but the base was white and blood red. A feather was at the edge of it. It was a symbol for freedom and luck as to what Dad used to say.

 Jamie wore a full face mask, because he didn't want girls recognizing him. He said they were too gullible because of his fake accent and that playing with girls' hearts weren't his ride. I was proud of him for that. His mask's base was indigo while there were amber studs decorated around the eye holes. So did Mom and her date. We looked like some kind of Jabbawockee dance number. Except we were in party attire.

  An old man which I was guessing was the announcer saw us approaching. We had to make up names so he could announce our arrival. All the guests were announced real names or not.

I could be.. well, Ms. Goldstud and Jamie could be Mr. Amber. Mom could figure out a name for her and her stupid date.

I tugged on Jamie's hand and he looked to me. I whispered in his ear and he nodded. All right! It is official.

As we neared the announcer, I whispered our names to him. He grinned appreciatively.

"LADIES AND GENENTLEMEN, MISS GOLDSTUD AND MISTER AMBER HAVE ARRIVED!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. It was odd who the old man would always say ge-nen-tul-man instead of the original word. I don't mind, whatever suites him.

Many people stared at us, whispering, giggling, staring in surprise. Maybe the dress got them now. Joke's on them suckas.

I rung my arm back on Jamie's arm. He patted my hand assuringly.

 "This is going to be a good night," he whispered in my ear. I trusted him when he said them. We made our way to the bartending area and we took a seat. Mom was drinking it down and flirting while keeping her sanity in order. I leaned my head on Jamie AKA Mr. Amber's shoulder and I could see that he was smiling as he sipped on his pina colada.

Yup yup yup, chapter 6 is here. I hope someone will notice this story. I don't want to keep writing because it needs to be finished but I want people or readers to be the reason why I still update. Please support me and tell me I'm doing a great job and suggest ways on how I can fix it or make it more interesting. I enjoyed writing this chapter and I want You to enjoy it too. : ]

So please leave feedback if it's the last thing I ask for and vote if you like it. Thank you :)

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