You Kidding Me..?

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I am yet awakened once more by Marcus and his ranting about how Tom and Jerry, you know that cat and mouse television show on some crappy channel? Yeah. I had to smother myself with my fat and fluffy pillow to muffle the noises from my little brother. Don't get me wrong, I love him a lot but sometimes he makes me wish he was born before me so he could probably be in college or something and he would be outta the house.

  In case you're wondering Marcus' is my brother from another father. But I treat him like he's my own brother. We're no different, we are both pain in the butts and we argue and insult each other all the time. Only he takes the insults for granted and goes crying to Mom and she makes the 'hurt' go away with a little candy she keeps in a jar in a cabinet in the kitchen. Afterwards he comes running to my room, just barging in like he owns the place and goes, "I got candy, ne ne ne ne ne neee!" he even sticks out his tongue at me causing me to roll my eyes and go back to whatever I was busy doing.

 I was reading me some John Green's The Fault in Our Stars. I had recently arrived at the part wherein Gus was bringing Hazel Grace to a park behind a museum that she assumed that they were going to visit while Gus packed sandwiches which he quotes is a 'bad cheese sandwich' while pairing it with orange juice.

In the midst of my reading session, I was traumatized by a loud and ear-deafening sound that nearly knocked me off my bed. Luckily I was able to grab hold on to the other side of the mattress, saving me from my epic downfall.

Mom had an unusually shrill and high voice, considering I've never heard her sing nor take any voice improving lessons. But she might be doing it behind my back like she does her other thing and she might already by a famous singer! OK. Enough of the useless ramblings.

 I immediately scurried away to the stairs to figure out what she was wanting. As I made my way through the living room and into the kitchen, I could see what the problem was.

 "Mom, seriously?" I said with a touch of incredulity. There was cartons of cake flour everywhere and various toppings such as chocolate chips, rainbow, sprinkles, edible silver beads, marshmallows and merengue covering every inch of the breakfast bar.

 She was hopping from one place to another literally. I placed my hand on her shoulder to let her know that I was here.

 "Mom, what are you--what's going on?" I asked bemusingly. I honestly didn't have the slightest idea of what she was doing, racing form one place to another, getting even more dirty with the baking supplies that were filling the kitchen.                    

"Well, I'm trying to bake some cupcakes and I would love it if you didn't get in the way of things to make my job easier." she snapped, gosh. She had a huge fucking problem.

 "Geez, you could've been a bit nicer." I sneered.

She sent me an apologetic look but I walked away, annoyed. Today was a good day to go to the mall or get some donuts. Seriously, she couldn't be a little bit more polite? I wanted to help but that faded too, I change my mind too quickly.

 The air was chilly today but I didn't really mind, it was nice to get away after a lot that's been happening, lately Dad has been in my mind. The man from yesterday, I could've sworn he looked familiar but I guess I was just confusing him with someone else.

 Am I glad that I wore flip-flops today! Those flats that Mom gave me a few years back were becoming to hurt my feet, I need to get some summer job. I internally slapped myself. How the heck am I going to balance a part-time job and school, it's bad enough that I'm failing in shop. Geezus.

  Who would've guessed that shop could be hard? I mean, we've been told to start working on a wooden jewelry box but everytime I come to the screw part I get the most confusion and end up throwing this ridiculous tantrum. I just can't help it, I'm stubborn and everyone else knows it.

 I was near the outskirts of the mall when I spotted a seriously familiar face. I shaped my hands into binoculars and spied through them. I knew it! He had a girlfriend, she was shockingly gorgeous. Something in my chest tightened, I had no reason to be spying on them. I thought that finally someone had come to like me. Wrong again, Illysia. Jamie doesn't count, we've been childhood best friends and that's all we'll ever be.

 As soon as Callan was gone from sight, I approached the restaurant that he was in front of earlier. An old friend of mine works there, I decided to pay her a visit, keeping my copy of John Green's The Fault In Our Stars close by.

 At the counter I stopped and took a stare at a dirty blond headed girl that wore black make-up, as though she had switched from stylista to goth. I approached and decided to make an inquiry about  Elisa. There was about two people and wasn't long until I was up next, the girl looked at me dully chewing gum while tapping her fingers endlessly on the counter.

 "What would like to have today?" she asked, a small amount of politeness tainting her voice, I sent her a small smile, clearing my throat, "I was wondering if Elisa Van Dolt was still working here," The girl eyed me curiously then cleared her throat too as if she were mocking me.

 "And who are you?" she added, a bit rudely may I add. I hissed internally to avoid any arguments.

"Tell her it's Illysia," I put in. The girl's eyes formed into small saucers as she took a step back from the counter.

 "Illysia? Novellis?" she tried to confirm, I nodded slowly, unable to see where this was arriving at. I played with my fingers nervously, wondering whether I should just order a coffee to go and sit around or just forget about it.

 "You're talking to her," she replied candidly, like it was nothing to be excited about, which offended me a bit because I missed Elisa, a lot. I haven't seen or spoken to hear for over two years due to the crashing of confidence and her being unable to keep the finances for school up.

 Then after she spoke, I was in total denial and shock, did she just say that I was talking to Elisa?

 "Elisa?" I mumbled incredulously, she scoffed rolling her eyes, folding her arms and leaning back.

 "You haven't changed at all, Lili."

 It really was Elisa. I blinked about a hundred times more before I could talk in a normal voice without stammering. But her long, carrot curls were replaced with wavy and dirty blonde hair, something I never thought she'd do in any period of her life. I never realized that she would exit and throw away her silent exterior for this. That sounded too judgemental..

"You look.. different." I managed to say, she glared at me as if everything I had said was an insult. I gulped nervously. My best friend was changed, and you know how they say that you should always be prepared for them but this was bad.

 "Is that a good bad or bad bad?" she inserted. I frowned, who was this girl in front of me. She was so impolite, and somewhat fake. "And it's Liz to you, Illysia, the Elisa you knew is long gone."

 "B-but why?" I asked, my fists closing and opening relentlessly. The best friend I knew was an angel and despised anything that was dark or bad-ass.

"I shouldn't have to explain myself to you, Illysia," she spat, there was disapproval swimming in her eyes. I exhaled, taking the conversation in seriously. What did she mean? I was at a loss for words.

 The moment I was planning to retaliate, a man overtowered me and sent me a grim look, causing me to get out of his way. I turned back to Elisa without reply but she was too focused on taking the man's order. I stomped out of the restaurant dejectedly, I didn't realize that a tear rolled down my cheek. Why was I crying? I didn't know the reason myself.

 How could she say that? She's one to talk! First of all, she cuts off all connections and when I finally see her again, she's in front of a cash register and looks like Taylor Momsen, no offense to the singer. She's pretty talented but Elisa isn't like this. What happened to her? 

To us?

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