Plain BS

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      "Can you cut it out? You're beginning to get on my frickin' nerves!" I complained. The thought of having someone keep begging you to give you your stash of candy that is being preserved for Halloween which was in what? About 4 or 5 days. My little brother Marcus, who's 8 kept jumping on my bed until the springs were worn out. But I wouldn't let that happen, over my dead body! Don't judge me but who doesn't love sleeping on a comfy and soft bed? Of course everyone loves sleeping, the only available way to avoid school when it's killing you slowly.

      He was making annoying noises while continuously asking for some really kindly and nice. See the sarcasm dripping from my mouth? I was fed up and I got up from my study table and shoved him off my bed. He stuck his tongue at me as he landed on the floor and left slamming my door. I could his faint voice, "Mom, Illysia won't share her stash with me!"

  Don't worry about him, he used to getting his ways but not with me. He's a spoiled brat, we're pretty much frenemies. We only get along when he doesn't want something from me, since he has Mom to beg at. The worst part is that he's homeschooled meaning I had to have a key made to be able to lock my room when I head to school, 'cause he tends to be very sneaky and grabby when I am not around.

   Anyways it's Saturday and I have no plans because I got no friends. When I was young, I was so popular but some things just wear off after going through some stuff... OK! Enough of the drama. Every month there'd be a salsa ball. Everyone in the town was invited and you'd have to wear a multi-colored halter dress. Not bad actually I done it for about 5 months then I stopped which was approximately a year ago but I think I'm ready to step up once again. It's fun and entertaining, it sure is better than staying home and studying Trig. I have a dress that Dad bought for me before you know, he left. He said he wanted me to "dance like there was no tomorrow".

Dad danced salsa too when he was in his younger years. I'm not afraid to talk about him, but I am sad that he just left like that without leaving any form of explanation or communication. I always think about the good days when he was still around and that serves as a sign that I should act as if he's still around and alive which I know he is, he can't be dead. I don't believe he's already passed away. He's out there somewhere.

     Back to earth Illysia. The dress he gave to me belonged to his mother when she was a teenager. And dear me, it was dazzling! It was dark red and had some frills at the edge of the halter dress. Though I was suprised of how much of my back would be exposed. It was tomorrow night and.. and I was so excited and so nervous. Urgh, I hope I could learn something. But the one wish I'd like to have granted is to not see her and when I mean her I mean Diane Dayes. She was a bully and a bitch, sorry for the word but she really was one. She practically slept with every guy in Cantergard Junior. Probably every male teacher if they were gullible and easily fallen for her and her devilish appearance and personality. Maybe Mr. Vodello too, considering his charm and muscular body.

  Ooh, I better go fill my trap with yummy delicacies and snacks. I was hoping for a bagel with cream cheese and strawberries. Mmmm, just thinking about it made me want to gobble every single crumb into my mouth.


   "I'm so stuffed, I could just throw up everything I ate and devour more food and do the same thing." I joked rubbing my stomach. Mom tried to hold back her laughter but she failed. Marcus gave a disgusted look. He's way too serious. I roared in laughter as I let out a burp that sounded more like a fart.

     "That's disgusting!" Marcus complained, while pinching his nose. It did smell horrible and I admit it was not very ladylike. Who cares? It's not like I live in an emperor's palace. I live with my Mommy and little brother that I so love to get revenge on and that's all I really need and oh, yeah a friend.

   "Sucks for you." I say. He snorts at me as he abandons his mickey mouse shaped pancakes and goes over to his room to watch whatever childish tv show he can find. Before I leave the kitchen, Mom grabs my arm gently and asks me to remain in the kitchen. She's on the phone, "Yeah, will she be coming to? Great, I'll tell her. Buh-bye now." she hangs up.

"So, what's up Mother?" I imitate a random voice. She smirks at me. She sits beside me and open her mouth to speak.

   "You remember Mrs. Holden?" I nod as she continues. "Well, I hope you didn't forget about the Salsa Ball tomorrow night."

"Oh crap! I forgot, what did I do? What am I gonna wear Mom!" I joke her devilishly as I wait for her reply. Her small eyes become round as she looks at me seriously. I burst in laughter.

"I'm kidding Mom, how could I forget? It's one of the most fabulous events in this place!" I reveal smiling.

"You almost had me there. Anyhow, Mrs. Holden's son Jamie is coming along with us to the ball so wear something nice, all right?" I was shocked and then whatever held my mouth as one hung low. Mrs. Holden and Jamie? This is completely outrageous!! I never went to the Salsa Ball with her or Jamie. I better take Mom's advice if I don't want to make a fool outta myself. I was shy and I wasn't sure if I could get through this. But I have to try to become the old confident me.

I'm going to have my halter dress dry cleaned right away.


Hello, this is chapter 2 and I hope you enjoy this. The dress that Illysia will be wearing is on the side just below the cast. I will probably post another chapter tomorrow and hopefully it will be longer, thanks for reading this :)

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