On Second Thought..

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I just stepped on dog shit.

  The fire department and police better get here soon and find the damn suspect for this horrible-smelling turd, I could just die any second now.

  I look around for anyone I may know even if no one really cares and I see a man and call him over just like that. He points to his chest as if saying, "Me?" and I yell back, "No, the tree behind you!" He comes my way and looks both ways before crossing the street. Just to be on the safe side, don't want people dying on me do we?

 The man looks like he's in his forties and has salt and pepper hair which mean he has streaks of white. He has wrinkles on his face that make his forehead looks folded clothes. His eyes were a dark green like Dad's.

  As soon as he hovers over here, I point to the sole of my shoe and he puts a disgusted face on and clutches his nose and bends lower before sighing, "You're out of luck, young lady. I say throw it away."

I frown and let out an annoyed huff and carefully kicked the shoe off. I dumped it on the street.

 "This is to the dignity I had in those shoes." I say dramatically, sighing heavily. The man pats me on the shoulder, comforting me. I look back at him and he's trying to hold back a smile.

  "Um, sorry about that. It was just kinda spontaneous and I wasn't in my right mind." I mutter sheepishly. The man just locks eyes with kindness in his eyes, something about him just makes me recall Dad and our times together.

 One summer me and him went for a swim at the lake and it was freezing cold but he didn't bother. He promised me an double fudge chocolate ice cream cone if I could stay in the water for a long and terrifying ten minutes and I took it up. He wore a smirk as he sat on a beach chair in his pilot shades and lying back watching closely.

  I took baby steps first and let my toes feel the cold, I almost squealed in suprise. It wasn't that cold at all! There must be low pressure, so I did a cannonball from a huge crumbling rock, good thing I didn't get into an accident or fall over. The second I reached the water, there swam a large croc! I cried in horror and saw Dad, just laughing his butt off and I realized it was a fake and then I saw Mom under the 'crocodile', it was a prop to scare me and she wore a huge smile and I huddled out of the water and onto the surface grabbing my hello kitty towel that was sprawled over the beach chair and wrapped myself into the towel, teeth-chattering and all.

  Me and Dad especially hand in hand bought one another our favorites and we ended our day like that. It was always me and Dad closest, Mom never found much happiness spending time with me. She constantly built plans for herself and her boyfriend now.

I was jealous because she would always find time to spend with that Rolex man instead of me her own daughter. But she really did a big number on me before, the reason I'm not in the popular chart anymore. It's like severing a rat's tail which probably takes years to grow back. Trust me, I'm usually not this awkward.

  Popping back to the present, I boing back like a spring and see the man walking with me, I am slightly confused right now. This has been a quite awkward day and all. I run my fingers through my hair and dust off my sides even though there isn't anythign but invisible dirt.

  "Why don't we go sit at the bench at the amusement park?" he stated lightly, like he was glad or something. I nod with a toothy grin.


 This cotton candy isn't so bad you know, and this snow cone is so refreshing, something to fill my stomach from this hot weather, it was about two o'clock in the afternoon already, Mom's probably worrying. During the past hour we had rode the ferris wheel, the love tunnel and the haunted house which left us grasping for air because we were roaring in laughter the whole time since the other passengers were screaming from fright and suprise when the 'ghouls' would come banging on our cage transportation.

  After that, we walked around playing in the stalls and saw the most undesireable person in this world, not that there was a second sustainable world where people actually live. Mr. Vodello.

 I hate that nutsack, he's a dick.

I began to groan at the rumbling pain in my stomach. The man had heard it and asked me if I was all right.

 "Thanks for the concern mister but I don't want to add more problems to you." I sighed once again, searching for somewhere to sit. I felt my hand become warm as I was led carefully to a silent place.

 We sat in a garden filled with all kinds of exotic flowers and different bushes that I wasn't able to identify. There was a balcony nearby though and I was hoping that this wasn't like the movies where in the serial killer pretends to be a good man and ends up murdering you on sight and then throwing your body in the dumpster for the police to find.


I obeyed.

I really admired this place, it was purely nature in a lot of pots. You had it all. Bonsais, underdeveloped trees, bushes, flowers, shrubs. Absolutely everything you could expect to find in a garden but to me one thing was missing.

"I wish my dad was here and my day would be complete." I blurted out, gazing at all the flora and fauna. The man smiled sadly and stood up and said, "I'm sorry." he said, I did not want his pity.

  "Don't be," I said, shooting him a smile. I held back the tears that threatened to spill but I looked away preventing that to happen. A pair of hands wrapped around my back and I gladly took it.

 I felt like I could trust this man, but you ever hear the saying that parents always use? Don't talk to strangers. Maybe I could disregard that for now.

 The night was caving in and I had to get home. I told the man that he could walk with me if he wanted.


 The wind ran by us and it was pretty chilly out and the man offered me his jacket which I took in thanks so he wouldn't feel blue if I didn't take it. Trees rustled and bushes make shrill noises almost creeping me out.

  On nights like this me and Dad would go out for our Daddy and Daughter's Night out and eat at the diner for some banana splits then we'd walk home hand in hand talking bout random things like if there were any boys that would ask me out one day and I laughed at his joke but he said I should take some things serious. I can't take everything in my life for granted and I told him that I didn't.

 He chuckled at me instead, giving me a side hug and I smiled warmly.

But that night was like no other, and it was horrible not because of the night out. It was the same night that Dad packed his things and left. I tried running after him but I couldn't. I was just seven that time. I had a mother that cared for my safety and well-being then but not anymore. I had no one.

 He never called or sent emails or sent mail, or anything! He left me hanging, I love him though, no matter what. He was always there for me and I can't dismiss that can I? But Dad, I hate you for leaving me behind like I didn't matter at all. That's the only thing I despise you for.

  Then that memory flew away like a girl had just let go of her balloon by accident or maybe on purpose.

I reached the front door and said good-bye to that man and he replied, "Maybe you'll catch sight of me and force me to "help" you again, young lady. See you around!" he waved as he walked off with his hands in his pockets.

 I turned to the door and let myself in. I went straight to my room already snoring before reaching the pillow and I lazily through the covers over me, dreaming of good ol' times.

On second thought, maybe I will find the man again.

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