Safe With Me

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I went home an hour later after walking around the boardwalk, heaving the stress of my chest. I saw a red mini Honda parked on the sidewalk in front of her house. I didn't exactly recognize it so I went to find out. I opened the door and said I was home.

No response.

My feet tiredly carried me to the kitchen where in I received the shock of my life. The man that witnessed my stepping on dog shit was here. I stopped in my tracks when I saw that Mom and him were casually having a cup of tea. Confusion racked my brain as I attempted to understand what was before my eyes.

 "You're that man from the park," I said without thinking. He spun around to face me, I was able to witness his eyes once more and again thought of Dad. He just resembled him too much.

A friendly smile settled on his lips, he landed his feet onto the floor from the stool and approached me. He spread out his arms like an eagle, looking at me in politeness. I guess he wanted a hug. So I gave him one, as I awkwardly patted his back. I glared at me, completely baffled. She narrowed her eyes at me meaning for me to go along. 

 After a moment, I broke apart and joined in on their conversation, also taking a stool out and sitting. Several assumptions entered my thoughts as I silently observed them.

 I didn't know whether they were dating or not, they spoke as if they were old friends. I felt a bit out of place so I began interrogating the man myself. Mom shot me a glare, I brushed it off.

 "So, not to be rude or anything. But can you explain to me how you know my mom?"

The man looked from me to Mom skittishly. Before taking a deep breathe and saying, "We were friends in highschool and I was in town, so I decided to visit, do you have any objection to that?" he asked but I could hear the curiousity in his voice so I took it politely.

 I shook my head and listened as they countinued to talk. Eventually, I got bored so I decided to go watch some How I Met Your Mother. It's a shame it ended so soon. But the betrayal I felt when Teddy and Robin reunited is beyond anything else in this world. Time moved so very slow, hours flew by like days. This day by far could not get any weirder.

 The new Iphone that Mom got for me two months ago rang and the song "Lost at Sea" played. I just fell in love with that song. Zedd is absolutely amazing, which reminds me, Neon Night is tonight. I have to figure out some excuse to get away because there is no way in the world I am missing a Neon Night.

 It's a dance off at Club Jupiter every Saturday where in you have to wear the brightest colored pair of clothing you own. I've always went beginning when I was 12, since Dad left, he somewhat inspired me to express my feelings and re-live our memories through dance and it has made the scar fade even more now that I feel connected. Although minors are strictly prohibited, I was able to buy some blood red, five inch pumps and the whole sexy get-up. Believe me, it worked. When I got into the music, I was a beast that could not be stopped. The clubbers cheered for me and eventually began asking me how to improve their moves which took me by surprise. Because you rarely see a 22-year-old ask a girl that's not very obvious she's 12 to give you advice on how to rock your body out. I first found out Club Jupiter from school. Some rich kid named Ricky was babbling about how his college brother and sister got drunk and danced it off.

 This was definitely not how I wanted to spend my Saturday afternoon. Watch the finale of HIMYM and be bitter over it. I recently finished up The Fault In Our Stars so that was out of my head. Stupid Augustus for dying, unfortunately the movie didn't make up for it. But who cares? My opinion does not matter due to the fact there are more than 50 billion people existing on the face of the Earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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