Chapter 26

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Aaron graduated in June of 2011 with a bachelors degree in Journalism. He was not at the top of his class, but he was close, and he was satisfied. His parents helped him move to a nicer place, further from campus, and after some help from them on the down payment and a few months of rent, he told them he was ready to pay for it himself. He became self-sufficient.

Caleb was still at home, trying to get back on track. As far as Aaron knew, their parents still didn’t know what the medical bills were about. Caleb told him that Melissa finally made a full recovery, and they planned on getting married as soon as they could afford it. Aaron was happy for them. At least, he said he was.

He’d held summer jobs, part time jobs, and cut back on his spending. Financially, he was in the clear, and he’d done it all on his own. This, even more than graduating, was his proudest accomplishment.

He hadn’t even considered dating anyone since Miles.

Growing up proved to be just as scary as he expected. For the first few weeks after graduating, he was all but constantly on edge, waiting for something to go wrong, for someone to run up for him and tell him he was an adult now, that he had to have a life now, that he had to take care of himself now. A month had passed now, and Aaron found he was absolutely fine, and more than ready to start his adult life.

This was why he’d started job hunting again, but not for a part time job like he’d had before. It was time for a real job, in the field he’d studied for four years. He wanted a career. He had experience: he’d completed internships at a couple different magazines and an online blog. He had a few professors lined up ready to recommend him to wherever he wanted to go. Hopefully, this would be quick and easy.

This was all happening so quickly, but Aaron wasn’t afraid. He was ready. Excited and eager, impatient for his life to really start.

This was going to work out. Aaron would make sure of it.

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