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(Y/n's PoV)

I woke up in the manor. Prism was waking us up. I stood up from the floor. I looked at my surroundings and it looked different. Maybe it was because we were in the AlterDime. But I noticed broken windows and scratches on the floor. I also noticed that Payn was gone... Where'd she go?  I, then, saw a silhouette infront of me. It had a structure of a man. I walked towards the man.

"Hello?" I said. Surprisingly, He got a hold of me and placed an amulet around my neck. It felt like the amulet was merging with me, it attached on to me. It sent out electricity throughout my body. I fell to the ground, causing a loud sound. Then... Everything... Everyone... Every memory... began fading away. I had forgotten the recent things that had happen. I had forgotten what I did to my family. Then everything... Went black.

(Jeff's PoV)

I saw (Y/n) on the ground and I ran towards her. A person came out of the shadows, behind me ... and it was...

"Liu!" I said

"Hello Brother!" Liu said with a grin on his face

"What did you do to (Y/n)?!" I asked with rage

"I assure you, Your girlfriend is fine!" He said before laughing, maniacally. Liu... What happened?

"I'm gonna kill you for what you've done!" I said as I grabbed my knife and ran to him, attempting to kill him. But he disappeared into thin air. He began chuckling and found him above me. He pounced on me and held my neck, chocking me. 

"I killed you..." Jeff mutters.

"Truth be told, I survived. Thanks to you, I lost my memory! Zalgo made me remember...he made me see what you really are, brother." Liu said.

He threw me to the ground. Prism and Thunder also attempted to kill him. "Prism... I have a gift for you too..." Liu said as he held Prism's neck and threw an item to the ground under her. Liu kicked Thunder, all the way to the other side of the room. When Liu let go of Prism, the same black substance began spreading throughout her body.

"Prism!" Thunder said as she stood up and started to attack Liu again. Thunder sent out electric bolts, that had over 500 bolts, that could kill someone. Out of her rage, She was so persistent to kill Liu that she didn't care about getting hurt. 

"Heal my wounds and scars, Heal my wounded heart!" Prism chanted but it failed to get rid of the cryst

"Your pathetic spells won't work! Zalgo has made a special cryst for you!" Liu said as he fought Thunder. I sneaked up behind him and stabbed him. But he didn't feel anything. Everyone began fighting Liu. 

(Liu's PoV)

I'm taking too much hits. I wonder... What if I use the same cryst, I used on Prism, on one strong pasta? I held a jar, that had the cryst, and threw it at Thunder. The thing about this Cryst is that it doesn't only make you frozen but it removes your memories to a specific limit. I created some copies of myself to distract the pastas. The other pastas still continued fighting. I brought Thunder and Prism with me, to the underworld, but then left (Y/n). Zalgo didn't mind though. He knew... (Y/n) would still find the hunters and still be apart of them and he was quite pleased. I had accomplished my mission.

(3rd Person View)

Jeff and the others gathered around the unconscious (Y/n). Jeff and Emy held her cold hands. Everyone wished for (Y/n) to wake up. Prue had thought about why Payn Injurie wasn't here, but that didn't matter... Her best friend got hurt. Jeff brought (Y/n) to her room and placed her on the bed. He didn't leave her side. He stayed there day and night without sleep. He rarely went downstairs. Everyone got worried. 

Timeskip (to 2 days)

Jeff had fallen asleep beside (Y/n). He had been dreaming about her since the last 2 days. He missed her very much. Slendy, EJ and BEN went inside (Y/n)'s room, checking if Jeff and (Y/n) were fine. Jeff had looked very weary and careless. He wanted (Y/n) to come back... Slendy, EJ and BEN had invited Jeff to eat. But he refused. He will never leave her side. She is the girl he loves... He'll do anything to bring her back. He then noticed the amulet-like object in between her collarbones. Jeff couldn't help but touch it. When he did, (Y/n)'s eyes flew wide open. She was looking at the ceiling and had stayed in that position for awhile. Jeff tried to get her attention. But she didn't move. When Jeff hugged her, She was scared. She struggled and squirmed in Jeff's embrace. When she escaped the pale man's embrace, she ran to the corner of the room. She wondered why she had a mask, on her face, and a knife in her hand. She took off her mask. She was confused. 

"What are you doing?!" (Y/n) asked with confusion 

"(Y/n)..." Jeff said quietly, as he questioned about why she was acting this way. Was this the (Y/n) Jeff knew and loved? Or was it a mere copy of her?

"Don't hurt me!" (Y/n) shouted "I'll give you anything you want! Just let me go back to my family!" (Y/n) said as Jeff slowly walked up to her.

"Your family's dead." I said and he eyes shot back.

"How'd you know that?! Stay back!" (Y/n) held her knife towards Jeff and Jeff stopped in his steps.

"(Y/n) calm down..." Slendy said and EJ and BEN called the others to help. Soon, everyone came into (Y/n)'s room and saw what she was doing.

"(Y/n)! Stop!" Emy said to her beloved twin sister.

"Put the knife down, We don't want to hurt you, (Y/n)." Prue begged (Y/n)

"(Y/n) Please..." Jeff said

"(Y/n)?! Who's (Y/n)?! Who are you?! and...  Who Am I?" (Y/n) said and everyone in the room had realized what happened to her... She Can't Remember... Anything...


The End

Soooo.... Yeah this is the end of Knives and Scars! But!!! There's a sequel!! Yay! XD Hope you enjoyed! This book is over 30 chapters and over 6k views and is growing! Thanks so much everyone! Thank you for supporting! The second book will be published someday in Late March or Early April. Cause' I got a lot of books in store XD Plus Mob Adventures' almost ending as well :P Just saying. 

Will (Y/n) get her memories back? Where had their friend, Payn, gone to? Will Zalgo finally win? What will happen to the two friends, Prism and Thunder?

Find out in the sequel, Knives and Scars: The Last Kill!

Till Next Time 

~Goodbye and Peace out~


Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt