4: A Date with Destiny Pt. 2 (Edited)

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(Prue's PoV)

"It's...me, Prue. (Y/n) (L/n)."

"(Y/n)?!" I shouted and she covers my mouth, gesturing me to be quiet. When she takes her hand off, I hug her instantly. "You're alive! I thought you were dead or taken away since I saw the news about the death of your parents." She frowns and I reassure her that "Whoever killed them, it isn't you!"

"Why are you here, by the way?" I giggle.

"I killed my parents." She laughs and I froze. "Eh?"

"You mean to say...that you were the one that was strong enough to smash someone's head and quiet enough to sneak inside your house?" I ask and she nods. "Well...yes."

"How?! You always had flabby arms and a loud mouth!" I joke and she smacks my head. "Hey!!" I laugh.

"I'm so happy to see you here..." I hug her again. "By the way, why'd you kill them?"

"They abandoned me." This got my stomach - containing my dinner - churn, nearly making me gag.

"I'm so sorry." I stammer, not even sure what to say. She falls in to silence and just shivers. As a good friend, I gave her a big, comforting bear hug. "It's fine, Prue," She chuckles, trembling in my arms. I stay silent. "it's in the past." Her voice cracks a bit before she sobs. "I...don't understand."

"I don't either..." I add. "W-Why didn't they want me?!" She thrashes her arms at my back, I say nothing and let her release her anger. She punches my back harder and I grunt slightly. "I didn't m-mean crap to them..." She hisses, I hug her tighter.

Soon, her whimpering and sobbing grow softer and eventually disappeared. "Prue..." And that was her cue that she was already okay.

I smile slightly and let go of her, she appears before me with dry streaks of her tears - putting on that smile I know and love. "You gave me quite the beating." I joked and she winced. "I'm so sorry!" She gasps and I laugh it off. "It's just like when we were kids."

"I used to hug you until you stopped whining and crying." I messed her hair up and she pouts. "I don't whine!"

"Yes you do!" and the debate began. It was nice to see her again. I haven't seen her since I started a job and lived a double life - a civilian and a creepypasta.

"Is this where you've been?" She asks and I chuckle, nervously. "Yes." I nod.

"I'm sorry for keeping it from you, I can't just say that I kill people and expect you to be on my side." She puts a hand on my shoulder. "I'm always on your side...just as you are on mine."

"I wish I knew that before...then I could've opened up and got less paranoid." I laugh and grasp the doorknob, twisting it. "Shall we go and let you meet the others?" She nods and we exit the closet.

We were greeted by Jeff who leaned on the wall just beside the door. "So...what did you guys talk about?" Jeff asked, flicking a knife in his hand. (Y/n) looks at me to explain and I laugh, nervously.

"Well...it turns out that..." I pause for a moment, forgetting what her alias was, that is, until she told me herself. "that (C/P/N) is a very close friend of mine in my Normal life!" I continued.

"How close of a friend?" I hear Masky ask.

"Well...She's like a sister!" I mess (Y/n)'s hair up and she pouts. "Prue!" She whines. "Sorry!" I laugh.

"Hey, guys! I've got an idea!" Ben shouts and we all turn to him. "What is it?" LJ asks.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Ben cheers and everyone began to murmur whether they wanted to do so. "It's a way we can welcome our new member that doesn't involve killing."

"Why can't we kill?" Toby asks.

"Because the hunters are active tonight. We won't get away with killing as smoothly as before." I crossed my arms.

"I mean...I'd like to play some truth or dare." (Y/n) muttered. "Then truth or dare it is." Jeff declared. I smirk at him. "You like her, don't you?" I tease and Jeff pushes me away.

"You so do."


Heyo guys and gals! It's me, Ysa! Sorry for not being able to update as frequent anymore. Some of you may know I'm on hiatus. So yeah...that's kinda it. I'll still try to update.

Till next time...

Goodbye and Peace Out! *Snap*


Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now