6: Insanity Is Back (Edited)

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(Jeff's PoV)

This woman who called herself Insanity laughed as if she was mocking us. "It's such a shame, you know?" She stated as she throws the knife to her other hand and she rests her hand on her chest, her laughter dying out and she breathes. "(C/P/N) thought she found her family." She glared at me and I feel a chill run up my spine. "Do not try anything reckless, we do not want to hurt you." Slendy says as he steps towards her. Insanity stares at him, her face softens. "You are a part of this family." Slendy looked down on her and extended his hand to her. She looked at his hand and whimpered. She placed her hands on her face and started to...sob?

At first, we all put our guards down but then I realize she wouldn't be like this if she wanted to- I gasp as I see Insanity take Slendy's hand and pulled it down, causing Slendy to move forward. Insanity points her knife at Slendy's head and giggled. Before Slendy could get harmed, he teleported out of the house and (C/P/N) sighs. "Sadly, I don't believe in that anymore."

Insanity laughed as she looked at us. Without Slendy we can't be sure that we can win this.

"What do you plan to do?" LJ mutters and Insanity hums. "What do you think I'll do? Any suggestions?" Silence hangs above our heads as we start thinking.

"You plan to kill us." Prue stated and Insanity claps. "Ding, ding! We have a winner!"

"Why?!" Jane asked. "You, of all people, should know how personal it is to talk about someone's mask, Jane Arkensaw. Or...did you grow soft?" Insanity taunts and Jane throws a knife at her direction, it grazes her cheek a bit but sticks to the wall a few seconds later. "Shut up!" Jane snapped, trying to charge at her, and was being held back by EJ and Hoodie.

Insanity looks to her cheek and wipes the blood off. "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." Insanity turns around to grab Jane's knife. "You see, I'm not fond of people who hurt (C/P/N) so I kill them!" She informed, pulling the knife out and twirls it in her hand. "I still remember when (C/P/N) killed her parents...it was," Insanity throws the knife to the ground near my feet and she pauses. "the right thing to do." She continued and laughed. "and it was very entertaining." She added.

"Where is (C/P/N)?" Prue asked, stomping her feet forward. "I told you, she's somewhere inside here." Insanity points to her head and pokes it multiple times. "But!" She puts her hands down and her gaze darkens.

"I won't let her go until I finish everyone in this house!" She growled and charged at us. She headed straight towards me and rose her knife to stab me. Prue blocked her attack and I just stood there, thinking why I didn't do anything. "Ms. Scarlet, pleasure to finally meet you!!" Insanity greeted and grabbed Prue's arm, throwing her out of the way like a rag doll.

Insanity's gaze falls back on me and I decide to charge at her but was interrupted by Ben. He crossed our paths and pushed Insanity out of the way. Insanity took this as an advantage and spun around Ben to run towards me again. EJ and LJ help each other to distract her while someone pulled me out of the living room - it was Jane. "What are you doing?! Stop standing like a mindless freak!" Jane scolded. "I'm just distracted!" I snapped as I slip out of her grasp, running back to see Sally, Smile dog, Masky and Hoodie being the only ones standing.

I see Insanity walking towards the group of four and I hurry to look for something to attack her with, it was obvious that my knife was something she could dodge. As I panicked, Jane ripped a mirror from the vanity and charged at Insanity - having to lose her knife, she had to be resourceful.

Jane throws the mirror at Insanity and Insanity turns to our direction then dodges. The mirror smashes on the floor and Insanity laughs. "Nice try but you-" She looks at the broken mirror and freezes, suddenly she started to whimper. "failed." She continued, stammering. She started to back away and tug on her hair.

We took this as an opportunity to help those who tried fighting her and got beaten up badly, luckily no one died. Prue groans as she stood up and Ben had a large bruise on his face. "Not my face." He whined, wincing at the pain he felt. EJ and LJ dusted themselves off and tried to walk the pain off. I look back to Insanity to hear her muttering to herself.

"(C/P/N)?" I call out, slowing walking to her. I crouch near her and she moves away from me, sobbing. "It's fine, you're okay." I try to hold her but she smacks my hand away. "No! Stop!" She gripped her head and panted. I wanted to do something for her and I, suddenly, remembered her mask. I search in the pockets of my hoodie and pull out her mask. I offer it to her and she starts to mutter. "I'm sorry."

(Y/n's PoV)

I saw the mask in Jeff's hand and I snatched it away before running out the manor. I slam the door open and even from inside I could hear the pouring rain but I didn't care. I kept running and running until I stepped in a puddle of mud and slipped, the dirt staining my clothes. I sit up and cry out. "How could I think that my parents loved me?!" In that mirror, I was reminded of the horrible things that happened while I was under the roof of my parents. They were so mean and so cruel. Why? Was I that horrible of a daughter to earn their love and respect?

My head wouldn't stop aching, Insanity must also be feeling the same pain by now...Ugh. Why do I care about her? She was going to hurt them! She ruined my life...but I followed her anyways. I'm just as bad as she is.

I sniffed as the rain started to drench my clothes and I start sneezing. Then, I hear a call. A call for me. I start examining the voice and realized it was Jeff. With that realization, I really didn't want to go back, the more I wanted to run. I gulp as I huddled my legs together and wrap my arms around them, hiding my face. I wanted for things to change but that would take a miracle.

"It isn't possible for me to get a second chance, I don't deserve it."

(3rd Person PoV)

Jeff searches for (Y/n), desperate to get her back - he felt a connection with her when they first met. She was the first woman in awhile to get Jeff's stomach churning and mind racing, obviously he wouldn't let her go just like that. Currently, Jeff didn't know what he was feeling. It wasn't love nor something friendly, it just seemed like he owed her something.

Jeff pushes aside the leaves that brushed on his face, itched his skin and annoyed him. "(C/P/N)!" He shouted, unrelenting.

No matter how loud he shouted, (Y/n) couldn't reply due to her suddenly falling asleep in the cold, damp forest.

Jeff had probably circled the forest twice or thrice. Until Jeffery had heard a rustle in the bushes and he went to inspect it only to see a (H/c) haired woman leaning on a tree with her head on her shoulder, sleeping. He sighed with relief and tried to see if he could wake her up, apparently she seemed to be a heavy sleeper.

"What do I do with you?" Jeff sighed and crouched down to her figure, brushing the hair off her face. He started to put his arms around her and carried her. She wasn't as heavy as Toby at least, Jeff thought.

Jeff began walking back and talked to himself on the way. "Why do I really bother about you?" He asked as if there was someone with him to answer. "We just met. You tried to kill me and I tried to kill you, in a way. Then you joined the Creepypastas." He stated, recalling all that had happened.

"I don't care about people much. I don't see why you're so different." He glanced at the sleeping (C/P/N), examining her peaceful state. Despite how calm she looked, she still seemed troubled. She squinted her eyes every now and then and shivered once. Jeff knew the feeling well enough about sleeping and dreaming, about sleeping and having nightmares.


Heyo guys and gals Ysa here! Hope you enjoyed today's chapter! Till next time...

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Well another chapter done! XD Kinda altered some things but I love how it ended :3

Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now