Eradicate The Pastas

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(Puppeteer's PoV)

As I went back to the underworld. I felt a weird presence. I used my puppets to create a shield-like barrier around me. But then all of a sudden, they were all turned into ashes. And I know only  one person who does that to my puppets.


"Hello Puppeteer..." Zalgo had appeared behind me

"What do you want!"

"I heard that you have a relationship with a pasta... and we all know that is forbidden." Zalgo had his hands on a projected image of Sew. This had enraged me.

"What? How-" I said and then Conductor appeared "Conductor!"

"Hehe... Hello..." She said as she chained me to a wall.

"It seems I have to keep you in here... for a very long time." He said as everything became dark "I wonder what would that girl, full of straw, will feel. What was her name again? Ah~ Sew... Cary Sew Stool." Black liquid began forcing me to stay still. It couldn't be destroyed. 

"Damn you! Zalgo!" 

"Goodbye, Puppet!" He said as everything became black.

(Sew's PoV)

I felt a strange vibe... Was Puppet okay? I began to worry. I walked around nervously... trying not to freak out. I was telling myself that he'd be okay. But my conscience and emotions disagree. 

"Hey. Sew? You ok?" I heard Death Note ask

"Yeah... Just worried..." I said shivering

"About who?" Death Note asked



"I usually feel this vibe when he's hurt since I am his puppet... Can you help me?"


We left for the underworld. Everything was silent. Weird. Zalgo would usually shout orders at demons and monsters. Something IS weird around here. We walked towards the throne room and saw a black statue chained to a wall. I went to it and saw Puppet's face. It had anger and rebellion written all over it. I began going insane. I could feel my heart beating fast. Death Note held my shoulder as I cried, silently.  

"Ahh~ You came!" I heard a voice. "I see you have seen my new statue..." Zalgo had appeared.

"You- You Monster!" I ran towards him with my knife. I tried to kill him but Conductor went infront of him and a barrier appeared.

"Join your puppet master, won't you?" Zalgo said as Conductor trapped me within a space filled with black liquid. I knew what this was. "This is forbidden to be used... You used The Cryst of Evil?! This is forbidden to be used especially for you!"

"It's owner isn't here anymore... Have fun with your Puppet." Zalgo said and I was stiff like a doll again.

(Death Note's PoV)

I watched as Sew drowned in a liquid. I tried to get her out but I couldn't. When the liquid vanished all that was left was a statue of Sew.

"Death Note..." Zalgo said "I've heard you have a liking for Jane Arkensaw (IDK I've heard that sentence before :P)... You lost interest in my daughter? Such a shame... you were going to be a great son-in-law and my right hand even though you didn't love Prism." He said and I ran "Conductor... Get him." I heard him order Conductor

"Yes master." Conductor said as she ran to me. She is known for her powers and her position as Zalgo's Strongest Proxy. She caught up to me.

"Conductor... Why?"

Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now