700+ views?!

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Woah! 700+ views! Awesome! I'm ecastic to see this... I never knew that this could have 700+ views. I'm so happy! I'm guessing all of you are waiting for the next chapter huh? Well I will update soon... very soon. I'm just revising it now. So the update will come either this week or next week. I will be updating Blue Blade and Mob Adventures today or tomorrow because it's been about 17 days since I haven't updated those books. I know I update without Schedule so I made one, starting next week. My schedule for Updating:

Friday: Knives and Scars
Saturday: Blue Blade; QnA (probably, if I get questions though); Knives and Scars (if I don't get to update on Friday)
Sunday: FNAF; Mob Adventures

Knives and Scars might be my number one priority. So look forward to my updates in my books. If you haven't heard... I am putting EnderBrine 2 on hold and on edit. Very sorry... I just don't have any ideas anymore. I might just make EnderBrine have one book/chapter/part and that is EnderBrine 1. Check it out if you guys haven't read it. Check out my other books as well. Thanks for all the support! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! Till next time...

Goodbye and Peace out *snap*


Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ