7: The Slendermen (Edited)

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(Y/n's PoV)

I felt a chill brush my skin as I stretched on what felt like a bed. I looked up at a familiar ceiling and sniffed a familiar scent - Jane's scent. I sat up, trying to not make a sound but failed to, making a small creak in the bed's springs.

I looked down to the floor to see Jane sleeping on a mat with a blanket and a pillow, her hair a mess and still wearing her mask. Suddenly, I remember something. My mask! I spun around in bed, trying to see if I had slept on it, and looked around the room for it. When I couldn't find it, I jumped out of bed to see myself dressed in a white hoodie and some ripped shorts. I didn't really mind but the fact that it was someone's hoodie made me blush a bit. Also the fact that I had no undershirt made me feel quite bothered.

I stepped out of Jane's room and sneaked downstairs, looking for it. It seemed as if everyone else was asleep, it was quiet as hell.

I looked under the table, in the cupboards, under some books, on a table, in the floorboards and even in the laundry. Apparently, last night's fiasco was still sitting in the living room which only meant Slendy hadn't come back to fix the mess.

I felt quite guilty for causing such madness in the manor. I brushed my hand against my face, missing the cover of my mask. I sighed, skidding my feet around the floorboards, trying to find my mask and a way to pass time - I was getting impatient.

Suddenly, a knock startled me, causing me to jump a bit and hit my hand against a wall. I winced and went to get the door. "Yes?"

In front of me stood a tall creature who resembled Slenderman and I tilted my head. "Why are you dressed like that?" I asked the smiling Slenderman and for a second his smile turned into a frown. "Who are you?!" His voice was a mix of a welcoming one and a threatening one. He wasn't Slendy.

I backed away from the man and he took a step in advance towards me. "Do not make me repeat myself. I do hate being angry." The polka dotted man stated and I gulped, about to reach for my knife. I haven't heard of a Slenderman copycat...maybe I just didn't get to read it? I drew my knife out but he got to me first and used his tendrils to pin me high on the wall. The force was too strong and I was forced to let go of my blade, gasping. "Ow!"

"Since you have no answer for me, I'll just assume that you are a human and." He paused to smile once again and giggled. "You're not supposed to be here!" His face drew closer and I could feel his grip on me tighten.

I growled at the man and pushed my head forwards, headbutting him, and he took a step back to recover, giving me enough time to run outside.

I managed to hide in some bushes and gave out a heavy gasp. "Damn..." I sighed out and looked out the bush to inspect my surroundings. I was behind the manor so it would be possible for me to call out for help. I looked up to see a familiar window of black and white - Jane's window. Although, it was too high for me to climb so I looked for a pebble, knowing they were very common in the forest.

I grabbed a handful of tiny pebbles and threw them one by one at the window. "Jane!" I tried to shout as I threw the stones. "Help!" A few rocks had stayed when I got tired from throwing things. I stretched my arm out and yawned, it was too early for this. "Come on, Jane..." I muttered and continued to throw rocks at her window. "Can't anyone wake up and help me?!" I snapped, starting to get annoyed.

"It's because no one wants to, human." The same man's voice boomed behind me and I gulped. Before I could shout, his tendrils wrapped around my mouth and my limbs. He was slightly suffocating me - I think that was his intention.

I tried to struggle out of his hold but it was no use at all. I couldn't even fight back for my knife was inside the manor. I started to choke in about a minute or so and most of my body went limp. Someone...help.

Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now