8: The Aftermath (Edited)

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(Prue's PoV)

"What kind of person names a game Super Mario? A guy named Mario? Geez, what a narcissist!" I scoffed at Ben's game, just arriving from our activity. Ben and LJ had arrived first, probably because they were both too lazy. Masky and Hoodie came second and Splendy and I came third. The other groups were probably still having some fun.

"What's lame is that there aren't any sweets!" LJ laughed as he lied back on the couch beside Ben, who seemed pretty irritated. "I've heard about these sweets. Aren't they the ones that rot your teeth? What a pleasant punishment for humans!" Splendy clapped his hands together, blocking the game's sound effects.

"Could you guys stop with the chatter?!" Ben placed his controller down and rubbed his temples. "What a narcissist! Sweets! Teeth!" He repeated with tragically horrible impressions. "Just let me play my game! Geez!" Ben crossed his arms and puffed his cheek.

"All right, Mr. Drowned. Go ahead and show us the concept of this game." I said, putting my elbows on the head of the couch and pointed at the television.

Ben nodded and sat back down, looking for his controller only to find it in the hands of Splendy. "What contraption is this?" He asked, using his tendrils to hold it above his head. "Splendy! Give it back!" Ben whined, wanting his specially stolen black and green matte controller with LED buttons back. Splendy, who was giggling, did not heed his request and threw it to LJ who threw it at a distracted Masky, who did not catch it.

Masky backed away from the controller and looked at everyone. "The hell?"

Ben walked to his controller's broken state and wept. "How could you?" He sobbed. I shook my head, chuckling at how pathetic he looked like.

"She's back," A whisper managed to escape and I slammed my palm in to my ear a couple of times. I growled quietly, trying to not look suspicious, I kept a blank face. "She's here! She's near! She's lurks," The front door slammed open and lured our attention. I craned my neck a bit to see Jeff, panting and sweating, and a woman he carried. I squinted my eyes at her and saw a  faint red color drenching her black clothes. "She hurts." The voices continued and I gasped - realizing who the girl was and recalling the voices' sayings.

I gulped and pushed myself away from the couch and ran to her. "No, no, no, no." I muttered again and again. "Stop with your mumbling and help me!" Jeff snarled as his tainted hands started to tremble. I let out a warm cloud of breath and turned to Splendy. "Help her." I pleaded, ignoring the voices that stung my ears.

In no less than a second, Splendy appeared beside me and held (Y/n) in his arms then disappeared out of thin air. I sighed with relief because I knew that Splendy could help and if he couldn't, he could contact Slenderman. I glanced at Jeff who stood as dead as a statue. "What happened...?" I asked, my stomach churning and twisting.

"Hunter..." He stated and I chuckled once. "She'll be all right." I reassured him but he did not reply.

"I was summoned here by my brother, what's wrong?" Slendy's voice faded in as he appeared behind Jeff, who did not flinch. "I'll take Jeff upstairs." Ben sighed as he walked to Jeff and dragged him up the staircase, seeming to have a lot of experience with dragging Jeff.

"She was attacked." I informed once the two left the room. "I don't know what happened..."

"They're getting nearer!" A voice shrieked in my ears, making me flinch, and Slendy noticed. "They must be getting closer to the Manor." Slendy muttered and I gave a small nod. He did not reply and walked past me. "Keep those voices at bay." I remembered him saying those words to me during my first day as a Creepypasta. I shivered and reached for the pocket in my jeans, taking out a small capsule. "He wants us gone! He wants you alone!" They tried to convince me to stop trying - that there was no escape.

Knives and Scars (CreepyPasta x Killer Reader) {EDITING IN PROGRESS}Where stories live. Discover now