Caught Up In The Cute - Ashton

Start from the beginning

"That was once!" you insist, the awful memory making you crack a smile, "besides, cookies are fool proof."

"Yeah, but are they y/n proof?"

"I'll give you y/n proof" you grab a handful of flour and throw it in his face. A white cloud forms before you and Ashton emerges, looking like a shocked little ghost.

"Oh, you did not-"

But you don't let him finish, and instead take an egg and crack it over his head, giggling like mad at the sight of your appalled boyfriend.

"Alright, thats it!" Ashton grabs you by the waist so you can't escape and dumps a measuring cup full of oil on you, followed by flour and sugar.

"Ashton! You're ruining my shirt!" you yelp, finally freeing yourself from him.

"Your shirt?" he echos, looking at your attire appraisingly, "you're not wearing anything that's yours!"

He's right; you're wearing one of his old Nirvana shirts and a pair of his boxers.

You shrug, "they're mine now!"

Ashton rushes over to you and traps you in his arms. "Critical, destructive, and a thief!" he grabs the cocoa powder and dumps it all over you, "you are so lucky you're hot!"

"Says the one who insulted my cooking without even trying it!" You retaliate by grabbing the cup of milk from the counter and dousing him in the face.

"Say you're sorry!" he yells, rubbing his messy hair all over you.

"Never!" you exult through laughs.

Ashton spins you so you're facing him and attacks you with kisses. He tastes of milk and sugar.

"Say it!" he mumbles through kisses.

You don't reply, and instead wrap your arms around his waist, adding a little more depth to your kiss. It can't get too serious though, seeing as you're both ridiculously covered in food and overcome with giggles.

"We're a mess," you finally say, pulling back for a second.

"But a hot mess," Ashton winks before pulling you toward him again. Your lips are just about to meet when you hear a voice behind you.

"Well well well, what do we have here?"

You both spring apart and look around to see Michael, Luke, and Cal all standing in the kitchen doorway.

"What are you doing here?" Ashton asks sheepishly, "how'd you even get in?"

"You forgot your drumsticks at the studio," Cal says, holding up Ashton's stick bag, "and don't be stupid. Like we don't know where you keep the spare key."

"More importantly," Luke interjects smugly, "what's going on here?"

"And when were you planning on telling us?" Michael asks accusingly.

"Not that we didn't know this was going to happen eventually."

You and Ashton lock eyes for a moment before he looks back at his best friends and shrugs, "it just happened."


"Last time we were home."

All the boys give eachother knowing looks

"So that's where Ashton was all night." Michael says, raising his eyebrows.

"I'm visiting family" Cal mimicks in a high voice, "I've really missed my parents."

"Alright, alright," Ashton cuts him off as the boys snicker at him, "yeah, we're a thing. But we're keeping it on the DL. The last thing we want is media attention right now."

The boys all nod in agreement. "Mum's the word," Luke pretends to lock his lips with a key.

"Anyways, here's your shit," Cal drops the bag on the kitchen counter, "and we'll have a lot to talk about at our next rehearsal." he winks at you and you feel your cheeks warm up.

"We'll let you two get back to... Cooking." Michael says facetiously. The three of them disappear, and you hear the front door open and close.

Ashton chuckles, "well, that's that." He turns back to you and slides his arms around your waist, "so, where were we?"

You push him away gently, "we were just about to clean up the horrible mess we made," you gesture to the demolished kitchen.

You eye the pouty look Ashton gives you. "Come on, drummer boy, work now, then maybe a little play after."

You've never seen Ashton work so quickly...

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