57. Basketball

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Piper had a secret talent: she was an amazing basketball player. Pick'n'roll, point, high five...she could do any play, shoot from any point on the court. She was known for making flawless 3-point shots, swish of the net and all.


Ugh you guys it won't let me do bold and italics for the author's note so you're gonna have to suffer through plain old bold text.

And evidently I have to make it bold again every paragraph. GREAT JOB WATTPAD ON COMPLETELY GETTING RID OF YOUR USER FRIENDLINESS.

CTOH: cliches. Mostly character cliches, like how the high school bitch is a cheerleader who constantly cakes on a bunch of makeup and she's a cold and calculating little bastard even though she's rock stupid, and her boyfriend is completely clueless about everything because somehow this cheerleader manages to sleep with half the school, and literally everyone except this white, brown-haired, and green-eyes boyfriend of hers. Or the cliche nerd girl with long brown or blond hair and striking eyes and flawless features, even though she's a total outcast who thinks she's the ugliest thing alive and even though the half of the school that isn't sleeping with the cheerleader is lusting after her, and how she's portrayed as this incredible genius who gets all A's yet you never see her studying, or how she's supposed to be an avid reader who is well-versed in all classic novels but the only book she ever seems to read is To Kill A Mockingbird and she's only reading that for a school assignment.

Yeah. Cliches like that.





So I'm sure that you'll all be excited to hear that my birthday is in 8 days! Yep, February 16th, 2016 will be my fourteenth birthday. Wow that's freaking crazy. (That picture was my first birthday, and I've been carrying it around on my phone for months in anticipation lol)

Also, we hit 7k reads!! The most reads I've ever gotten on a written work is about 70k on this story called Anything But Ordinary, published on Quotev.com and it was absolutely terrible. Full of grammar errors and cliches and medical inaccuracies and pointless aspects and all this unreal crap, but I was I think eleven or twelve when I wrote it so obviously it's not good. But back to the headcanon book: there are honestly hundreds of headcanon books on Wattpad, but every time I log on I have 55+ notifications because someone has gone through this whole story and voted for every chapter and I always ALWAYS thank them when I see that. I wish I could thank every one of you, like, I wish I could jump through my phone screen and give you an enormous hug!!!!

Crap I've gotta get up at 5:30 for jazz band. Bedtime for me, folks!! See y'all later!

Dammit, I promised myself I'd never say y'all. Forgive me.

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