13. Genderbend

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"Psst," Lia whispered. "Jasmine. Peter." She poked her friends in the arm.

"Shut up, Lia," Peter murmured, trying to kiss his girlfriend. Lia stuck out her bottom lip.

"Fine," she said. "Be that way. Hugo? Fran? You love me, right?"

"Sorry, bro," Hugo said with a shrug. Fran just smiled.

"Aaron? Pearl?" Lia said hopefully.

"Trying to be in a relationship here," Pearl snapped. Aaron giggled.

Lia glared at them. "I hate being single."

Suddenly, the bed that Aaron and Pearl were sitting on broke under them.

"Taylor! Cassie! I swear to the gods I'm going to murder you!" Pearl shouted.

There was some giggling from outside, and the seven watched as two elfish girls dashed across the grass, laughing their heads off.


So um I don't know why but my next few headcanons are going to be reallllllyyyyy long for some reason okay?

So I have three younger siblings, and I had this dream last night that my parents had another baby and then they died and I became their legal guardians and then we all moved to Mars with this colony and it was just...I don't know. I have a lot of dreams about my parents having another kid, actually. SUBCONSCIOUS WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO TELL ME?!?!

But that won't happen because they honestly can't handle four kids so yeah.

Ewwww, school starts in like three days :( I'm actually school shopping right now, but my sister is in the fitting room so I thought I'd do a quick update.

This isn't exactly a quick update I guess, but whatever.

If you know anything about nail art and social media, you might know that Russian and French nail bloggers are like 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱. So I was whining to my mom about not being Russian or French, and I found out that I'm actually Russian and French. 1/16 Russian on Dad's side and 1/8 French on Mom's side. SO WHY ARE MAH NAIL ARTS STILL SO BLEEEH????

Wow this is like my longest A/N ever. Can I just talk about random aspects of my life all the time? Okay thanks :)

When I first saw that pic, I didn't realize that it was a genderbend for like a week. I thought that Jason was Annabeth and Percy was Bianca and Annabeth was Luke and Piper was some random stoner and I don't even know what I thought Nico was. Then my friend told me it was a genderbend and I was like "ooooohhhhhhhhhhh."

And Nico isn't in this because I couldn't think of any good girl names that were similar except Nicole, but that's so unoriginal I wanna kills myself.

And the A/N is stiiiiiiiiiiiiill going...



Ha. Ha ha.

I'm funny.

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