Chapter 2

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My sense of time is pretty off. I know that it's somewhere in September, and I know that my accident occurred in late April, but I couldn't tell you the day of the week it is. I've had no need to worry about time since I'm out of work, but I suppose I should, at least, try to pull myself together. For Char's sake.

'I could start reading the paper again. It can help catch me up on current events. Plus, the paper will likely have job openings listed.' I nod to myself, pleased that I'm actually attempting to mend things. I'm sure I'll have to venture into the city soon. To say that I'm dreading it would be the understatement of the year. New Orleans' streets remind me too much of what happened. Just recalling that night makes the newly healed scar on my abdomen throb in pain. It's a pain I've grown accustomed to though from the countless nights I've spent up because of my thoughts. At least, I know to try to avoid the darker places when I'm wandering, and to be especially cautious down in the French Quarter at night.

Glancing over at my clock, I take notice that it's nearly eight in the morning, and I decide that it'll be better to get an early start to the day. I slowly stretch out my stiff muscles from sleeping on the couch, and groan as I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. After sitting up, I swing my legs off the side of the sofa and slowly make my way to the guest bathroom. I would go to Char and I's shared bathroom but I doubt she'd welcome me in there right now. I know how she is about holding on to anger longer than necessary.

I turn the shower as hot it will go, peel off my clothes, and step into the light mist coming from the overhead nozzle. At first the water burns, but it is meant to be scalding so I wouldn't expect anything else from it. I soon get comfortable in the heat and allow the steaming water to work out the knots in my muscles and escort my thoughts to a better place than where they've been. Showers are one of my favorite things. They are a safe haven that allows me to escape my wretched, delirious mind. I must bathe at least once a day, sometimes more.

Although I usually get out when the water starts to lose its intense swelter, I decide to stay in longer today. Usually the warm liquid reminds me of having my blood cover my body, but maybe having a normal shower will help me feel more normal. For awhile I stand in the shower just enjoying the feel of the warmth, then my past overtakes my current thoughts.

~'I can't wait to get home and hold Char in my arms,' I think as I exit the small grocery store. Today has been long and busy. Sometimes it sucks to be a teacher and having to stay late to grade tests. As I get in my Honda it dawns on me that tomorrow is Charlotte's birthday.

"Shit," I mutter to myself, I really didn't want to have to go to the city tonight, but lucky for me it's only 6:00 p.m. and I know a great shop that doesn’t close until 8:00. After I shift into reverse I make way to New Orleans.

About fifteen minutes later I'm parking my car once again. It's another few minutes walk to get to Agora Galleries being as I can't park my car on Magazine Street. Every once in awhile, I'll faintly smell some of the bakeries cooking for the next day’s customers. When I finally make it to the store front I push open the door and hear the gentle tinkling of the bell alerting Mallory, the store attendant, that someone has entered.

"Hey, Evan," Mallory starts with a smile, "What brings you here this evening?"

"Oh, I just need to pick up a gift for Charlotte. It's her birthday soon and I wanted to get her something special."

"I'm sure we have just the thing for her. What exactly are you looking for?"

"Hmm.. Well, I was hoping to get her a necklace. You know how she is about her jewelry," I reply smoothly with a small grin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2013 ⏰

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