43: "The Amazing Horse Race"

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She giggled and placed a kiss on my cheek. If fought the urge to push her off the horse, but I just smiled uneasily instead.

How confusing it is that I want Dawn to fall down the ground now, when before I had myself convinced I want Dawn to fall for me. It turns out I am an... oblivious dipshit.

Kirby jogs back towards the line, but he stopped infront of us instead of hopping back to their horse. He smiled like he had good news, well, he frowned when he met my eyes.

He cleared his throat, avoiding my gaze and turning it back to the other boys. "Mr. Carson allowed us to race." Michael and Calum's cheer suddenly filled the area, Kirby glaring right after as if he was silencing them. The boys did lower down into chuckles.

"Then come on and ride with me, Kirbs!" Tina called out to him, patting the space on the saddle behind her.

I wish she was referring to me. But alas.

"Well bad news, specially to you Tinsie, is that Mr. Carson told me to watch over. He says I'm the most sensible one." Kirby sighed, making Tina groan and rest her head on the horse's neck.

"No fun." she grumbled.

"Wait, I'm sensible too!" Ashton protested.

Natalie smacked his shoulder with snort. "I'm more normal than you, honestly."

"I don't understand why I'm not the sensible one here! Cal, tell them how responsible I am!" Jamie shook Calum's shoulder. But Calum only laughed.

"One time, Jamie cried in the middle of the street just because I spilled my smoothie onto her textbook." Calum shared, earning a pinch on his side by Jamie.

"Not true!" Jamie hurriedly countered.

Calum smirked, as if he wasn't terrified by Jamie's deadly sneer. "And she's a major Teen Wolfer. Or whatever that is." Jamie groaned while repeatedly hitting Calum's back, but this doesn't seem to bother him.

Kirby cleared his throat again. They turned their attention back to him. "Okay idiotic children, shut up now. Here's the mechanics, first one to go reach pass the oak tree and back gets free off chores. And extra dessert."

Michael yells out some sort of a battle cry, and pumped his fist up. "I'm going to be the champion!"

"No one has ever ridden a horse between all of us before. Only Dawn. Probably they'd win." Natalie chided.

Ashton elbowed her and started showing off his biceps from his sweats tank. "Don't you trust in my powers, darling?" he continues to flex, but Natalie's eyebrows knitted together.

"Uh, no?" she stuck her tongue out in a childish manner. Ashton pouted and did fake sobs.

"Can we just start the race now? I'm eager to beat you losers, and dessert!" I told them with confidence, smirking teasingly.

"Oh, we're on Hemmings!" Calum smirked back at me, sending a wink and gripped the reins back on his hand.

"Like you ever won any race." Tina says in a low voice, yet it was audible enough for me to hear.

"I may be a bit slow on running, but with a pro like Dawn on my side and my God-give victory assurance- there's no question I'd win. Nerd." I tell her in a teasing way, yet she took it seriously.

Damn it Luke, you know how she freaking hates you right now, right? She'll always take your insults seriously.

"Then we are on, Luke Robert Hemmings." she gave me a straight face. I tensed at the mention of my whole name.

Whenever I call her by her full name, I'd tell her something serious, and a negative one. It seems she'd adapted this tone of mine with the full names.

For another time, Kirby had cleared his throat. We tuned into him, now with eager vibes, and he half-smiled at our clear excitement.

"Let the race, begin!"

With a whip of the reins, the horses started to sprint at amazing speed. Proudly, Dawn and I were on the lead. Dawn told me some horse tricks that worked, and we kept our position.

Well, up until Tina and her black stallion started gaining speed on us.

She seemed so proficient on this, maneuvering the jet black horse through the rocky field. I tear off my gaze from her and narrowed on the oak tree. Suddenly it was like old times, the old times were we both ran through the hallway competing with one another.

And like the old times, she whistled past me with a grin, earning the lead. I could hear Kirby's cheer from behind, and that was enough to put me into a competitive rush.

I whipped the reins and willed the horse to run faster, the animal responding to my call and its speed ascended. We were back neck to neck, the rein feeling loose on my now clammy hands.

"Luke, don't strain the horse too much." Dawn whispered on my ear. I denied her pleads as I patted the horse one more time, pushing it to its limits.

But Tina was too good. She still held the lead.

And in a sudden blur of motion, what happened next wasn't much expected. As Tina started to swerved and circle around the oak tree, her hands loses grip to the reins. She was blown to the side, and with one hand she hung by the saddle.

The horses halt to a stop. I hear Kirby's piercing scream. I've never been nervous but my heart was pounding in my chest.

I almost fainted as I see the horse keeping on running, while Tina lost her hold on the saddle and fell to the ground.


tina died on a horse accident. the end.

jk jk. but would you look at that, only 6 chapters left!

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