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"Hey! Put me down! NOW!" I yelled while banging my fist against his very tense back. I can tell He's trying his hardest not to snap at me right now. At least I get a good view of His firm ass in his expensive Armani slacks.

"I said put me down!!!" I screamed with venom. We suddenly stopped and he plopped me down on a black leather couch. Not too gently might I add. I decide to push Him further.

"Natty, baby, why'd you have to man-handle me back there? I thought you loved me?" I said all too sarcastically with a hint of bitterness. By His facial expression, I can tell I hit a nerve. Good, I thought. He wants to yell at me so bad, I can feel it.

"What do you think you were doing out there?!" He almost yelled through gritted teeth. I scoffed silently.

"Well, isn't that what you call dancing?" I mocked innocently. He huffed and rolled his eyes. Almost out of patience.

"Don't act stupid! I know you did that on purpose to piss me off! You know how I feel about that!" He finally yelled, finally losing his patience. I roll my eyes and scoff.

"Don't flatter yourself, I was only having a good time Natas." I said with disdain on his name. Real,  clever how he came up with that. Eh, never mind. "Besides, if you're here, who's running Hell?" I asked bitterly.

"I swear you will be the end of me." Natas mumbles while shaking his head. To which I reply very sarcastically, "Let's hope not!" in mock horror.

"Why do you have to ruin all the fun?! I was actually having fun back there!" I yelled. Getting on His last nerve.

"No you weren't, you were simply trying to get me jealous." He scoffed.

"No, you're just mad 'cause I wasn't doing That with you!" I stated confidently.

"Whatever, I don't care to listen anymore. We have more pressing matters to attend to, my sweet." I cringe at the pet name and roll my eyes.

"Like what? Like why I'm actually associated with the likes of you?" I asked bitterly. He smirks.

"Ouch, gum-drop, that one stung just a bit, and yes, we may stumble upon that." He said sarcastically.

"Can we just get this over with, cupcake?" I ask mockingly. He smirks and winks.

"Of course, now first order of business, we should discuss the technicalities of our relationship-"

I cut him off then and there, "We have no relationship."

"Oh, yes we do, you just don't know it yet!" He says enthusiatically, creepy. "Whatever, continue."

"Yes, yes, well, as I was saying, we are sort-of, kind-of, maybe, certainly soul-mates..." He trails off, looking anywhere but me. I am shocked, did I even register that correctly? He must-of made a mistake somehow.

"WHAT?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME!! You're-you're my what?! Oh, God!" I all but yell at him without hitting him in that gorgeous face of his.

"Don't say that name in my presence!" He hisses. I ignore that and start to hyperventilate.

"You made a mistake." I say simply, while crossing my arms and huffing like a stubborn child. He can't be serious.

"Nope, I'm pretty sure my sons didn't make a mistake." He says proudly.

"Blegh, how can you call Them that? And yeah, I'm pretty sure they did. I insist. He rolls his eyes, and ignores the first part.

"You are meant to be mine, mine and mine only, if you weren't, then I wouldn't of done all I've done for you." He says slowly, for my benefit, surely.

"All that you've done for ME?! Yeah, pretty sure that benefited me!! NOT! How dare suggest that?! Like I should be thanking you or something! Never gonna happen, so don't hold your breath! Actually, you should, then I wouldn't ever have to deal with you again!" I scream, standing up, shaking with rage. He stands to be level with me.

"How could you say that? I've done a lot for you!" He yells at me.

"Yeah? Like what?! Like isolate me from my family and friends?! Move me to a city where barely anybody is fucking human?! Have those things you call 'sons' follow me around everywhere?! And you thought all of that would just magically win me over?! If thats how you regard your own 'soul-mate', then my definition of love, got lost somewhere, and no one informed me of the change!" I all but yell at the top of my lungs. He just looks at me, wide-eyed.

"You know what? Just leave me alone, forever. Fuck that soul-mate bullshit. I hate you." I say bitterly with defeat. I stand, and walk towards the back door that leads to the alley-way. I open the door with some effort, and step outside in the cool autumn air, and inhale. I walk closer towards to the street and slump down the wall. I bring my knees up towards my chest and lay my head against them. And I just cry. I cry for my lost family and friends. I cry for my fucked up life and what it has become.

Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming toward me. Cautious footsteps. I don't look up, I already know who it is. He sits down across from me, and sighs deeply before beginning.

"I'm sorry, I know that can't make up for anything, and I shouldn't of done all those things but I just don't knoiw what to do in a situation like this. I mean I know you're meant for me, yet I have no idea how to approach you. I've never been in love, ever. So I never really learned how to love anybody, I'm not using this as an excuse, but it is somewhat of an explanation of why I acted the way I did. Shit, I acted rash and stupid, because I didn't know how to react to the feelings I'm having. I'm so sorry, and I know you might never forgive me b--" I cut him off with a raise of my index finger to his moving lips.

"I don't want to love you, but I can't help it." I confess, whole-heartedly. I peek at him from my hands, to conceal my burning cheeks, to see him almost looking relieved.

"I know that's not an apology, but I will make it up to you, I promise." He promises, determined. I giggle at his expression. He seems shocked at first then, smiles at me, goofily.

"You're already forgiven." I say, defeated. I can't deny it anymore. He shakes his head at me, meaning he doesn't care.

"Why do you look-look so 'Good', even though you are what you are?" I ask genuinely curious. He smiles at me.

"You know you can say it, it won't offend me, if that's what you're thinking. Just say it, Devil, it is who I am. And I look the way I do, because I'm a fallen angel, cast out of Heaven, remember?" He says, further reminding of what he is, and I know it's wrong, to love him. But right now, Im too tired to care. My eyes are starting to droop, from the crying. I yawn from the sudden fatigue, hitting me.

"Is someone tired? Already?" Natas teases. I simply nod, numbly. Natas comes and grabs me and set me in his lap and he leans against the wall. I lean my head against his chest, and smile automatically. I inhale his scent, chocolate and aftershave. Weird combination, yet suprisingly delicious smelling. I close my eyes and listen to him hum a tune, a lullaby.

"Go to sleep, my doodle bug..." He whispers. I giggle lightly, and fall into blackness.


Sooooooo, that was sommeee intense stuff right? Right. Gotta love it. Anywayss, please comment or vote or add to your library that would make me a happy little camper.

Anywhoo, I was wondering if i should keep writing this? If yah think I should, comment, if yah don't, then don't.

Thanks for reading!! Sorry its total crap, this was super quick.

Thanks a bunch doodle bugs!! :)

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