One: Stiles' POV

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I'm sitting in my jeep about to pick up Lydia to take her to the station. Before the whole supernatural thing, Lydia ignored me. But now we're best friends.

Lydia's dating Deputy Parrish. I totally support them.

I never supported Scott being with Allison, though. I just hate Allison. She's nice and all, but I just want Scott to myself. Yes, you heard correctly. I'm in love with Scott. I have been for a while. Allison left to France with her dad, so she's finally out of my way.

I know that Scott is straight, but a guy can hope. Right?

Back to the present. Lydia just got in the jeep. I'm taking her to the station so that she can hang out with Parrish. Something's wrong with Lydia's car and Parrish can't leave the station, so I agreed to take her.

"Hiya, Stiles," Lydia greets me with a smile.

"Hi, Lydia," I greet back. "So, what's wrong with your car?"

"Nothing," she says.

"Nothing? Then why-" I start.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Your feelings for Scott," Lydia states.

"I do not-"

"Stiles," she interrupts. "You're not exactly subtle."

"Scott doesn't know," I state.

"True. But that's because Scott is an innocent, clueless puppy. The rest of us can tell."

"Even Derek?" I ask.

"Even Derek."

"What about Allison?"


"What about my dad?"


"What about Mrs. McCall?"

"No way."



That means that Derek, Braeden, Kira, Malia, Issac, Liam, Brett, Mason, Deaton, Parrish, and Lydia all know that I'm in love with Scott McCall.

What am I going to do?

Sorry for the short chapter. Each chapter, a diffrent person will narrate. Mostly Scott or Stiles, though.

Thanks for reading! <3

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